Recent content by FreeTime

  1. FreeTime


    How I can chat while playing the game?
  2. FreeTime


    Great server :)
  3. FreeTime

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    Please describe your issue in detail. At what point you have a problem? If you have problems while installing FreeSO or while joining a server? Show me the exact point of this topic
  4. FreeTime

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    Read this topic at first : Then, after downloading and installation - you should create your own server or just wait when somebody open it.
  5. FreeTime

    Favorite Sims Game?

    The Sims Hot Date was my first Sims. xD And still I play the 1-st part and sometimes the 3rd . P.S. Not surprisingly, that the 1st part won!
  6. FreeTime

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    I'm ready to play! Can't wait :P
  7. FreeTime

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    @xXJDrocks450Xx , How can I check if I have the newest version of client or not?
  8. FreeTime

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    Hi all! I'm new here :) I can't wait to play xD! But I think that I have a small problem: my GMT is UTC+10:00 -_- So I should wake up so early to play there? xD What'a fuck