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  1. Fraczek20

    feature request:TSO/TS1 skins tool

    Personally I think it would be a good idea to convert TSO skins to TS1.
  2. Fraczek20

    FreeSO on Windows tablet

    I've only played The Sims 1 on tablet and it works pretty good (you should really try also) but as far I know touchscreen support is broken in Monogame engine so the will work but It's unplayable at least for know. Touchscreen gameplay is a nice idea though.
  3. Fraczek20

    Any Chance the Game Will be Browser-Based?

    They cant definetly use bootcamp but Linux from USB? I don't know. I've never used Mac
  4. Fraczek20 [closed]

    Sorry but I'm not At home during this weekend so I cant't host.
  5. Fraczek20 [closed]

    Server Closed. There hasn't been a huge atraction to play today but not everyone have time to play. Thanks anyway.
  6. Fraczek20 [closed]

    Hosting again!
  7. Fraczek20 [closed]

  8. Fraczek20 [closed]

    Open again but I'm AFK because I don't have time to play.
  9. Fraczek20

    PSA: Stop making new threads / a dozen posts when you have a problem

    I hate such things too but there are A LOT of people doing stupid, irritating (at least to inteligent people like me) and you can tell them to stop but they will still doing that anyway.
  10. Fraczek20

    Problems FreeSO

    See this:
  11. Fraczek20

    Problems FreeSO

    Wrong section Btw...
  12. Fraczek20

    [Call for Testing] Client with DX9 support for Intel GMA

    On Intel GMA 3150 CAS works but then the game carsh with "Parameter is incorrect" error.
  13. Fraczek20

    [Call for Testing] Client with DX9 support for Intel GMA

    I don't want to be rude to you but your English is pretty broken.
  14. Fraczek20 [closed]

    Closed again.
  15. Fraczek20 [closed]

    Open again:)
  16. Fraczek20

    Any Chance the Game Will be Browser-Based?

    So use Bootcamp. Google it if you don't know what is it.
  17. Fraczek20 [closed]

  18. Fraczek20 [closed]

    Open again however I'm busy so I would not play the game. EDIT: Okay I have time so I gonna play