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  1. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    links on first page man just had another crash wile making nome and then went up a level edited for pic
  2. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    does the other jobs besides robot fatory work if they do ill join too
  3. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    tryed quein up wash hands about the time it froze on me
  4. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    ok glad it wasnt bandicam running on my laptop that caused the crash ..sence your getting so many not responding
  5. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    ok gave me some error then crashed then second try went to 25% EDIT for pic
  6. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    sure ill join ya try it out
  7. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    try out the new 181 or stay till the odd desincs are fixed im usally on most of the night myself its almost 3pm eastern and just got lunch/breakfast lol
  8. jkjoebo

    Playtest server list + Guides

    So EA closed maxis branch and scraped olimpus about the same time figures
  9. jkjoebo

    [LEGACY]How to join a server and install FreeSO

    well might i suggest you start over and put stuff in different folders from the 2 page pictures everything got mashed into one folder launch game is in same folder to install it causing conflicts
  10. jkjoebo

    job portables

    was messing with the robo factory job and thought we need mini portables (trailers sized places to cook/fill stats) maybe charge to use doors to stay longer on job lots know making money on paintings probly was ezier less hassle.. but need way of keeping them populated
  11. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    might have to go back to 154 sence in change log says MULTIPLAYER IS CURRENTLY BROKEN BY THE CHANGE TO MULTITILE OBJECTS! looks like soon have lot buying and connect to mass server
  12. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    joined then after min got a big popup box
  13. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    id like to join if its still going
  14. jkjoebo

    Evil Arts Video

    thought this was a good video for a parody
  15. jkjoebo

    Playtest server list + Guides

    iv tryed that sims free play and it kept updating it was there to hogg my phones battery and space off my phone been watching lots of his videos seeing what stuff they added or watch him drown a sim in another video
  16. jkjoebo

    Playtest server list + Guides

    well dont think they should go to a turn based game they got enough facebook games were u wait and wait come back in 8 hours to wake your sim up play pass the save file multiplayer and send it by e-mail would be funner could use teamviewer or skype with person Que up for second...
  17. jkjoebo

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    does the servers still do that catch up apon joinin i can see like a script that resets/saves server every like 30mins or so if server still does that watched youtube videos sence missed oct month of playtesting
  18. jkjoebo

    [ARCHIVE] Lot pricing strategy

    not sure if this will help you but theres few lots that was shown prices off it looks like your super close to what you got i downloaded the divx file for higher quality to see it better
  19. jkjoebo

    [ARCHIVE] Lot pricing strategy

    thought there was going to seprate servers like minecraft or 7daystodie were host/owner could ban the greifers setting fires, hacking unlimited cash, or hacking ownership of lot .. getting smut lots (bad words or bad shapes) changing everything to stop sign or some other object... if theres...
  20. jkjoebo

    [ARCHIVE] Lot pricing strategy

    i do like the extra pricing but how about pricing option in server config b4 launching game you can change how much each chunk of land costs IE sand lot 5000 ocean lot 10,000 as a defult prices... that way smaller servers can do free ones if they want to ... or dedicated server can change price...