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  1. -BloodFighter-


    I like your idea. Although being given Simoleons is maybe not the best idea, although I dont see as to why such a low amount would do any "harm".
  2. -BloodFighter-

    Sims 3 multiplayer ( mod )

    They could have done that, but they didnt simply want to add it in the PC version. Which sucks indeed but is a relatable decision, as PC games usually didnt and still do dont have a local coop mode. Take Resident Evil 5 as an example, it had a coop mode, but it wasnt local.
  3. -BloodFighter-

    Bozo TheClown Mayor Thread

    Dear Clown running for president of Sunrise Crater, If you´re interested in support for your presidential campaign, I am more than happy to do so, by making adequate campaign videos and material. Your video could be more convincing for people to vote for you, hence I suggest a more...
  4. -BloodFighter-

    AOG's remeshes

    You're on fire!`Can't wait for the DL link
  5. -BloodFighter-

    Sims 3 multiplayer ( mod )

    Sure I can try you can join the Discord of Sims 4 Online and look for BloodFighter
  6. -BloodFighter-

    Sims 3 multiplayer ( mod )

    Oh Fred.. well thats the thing since it isn't that easy to come up with a Sims 3 Online mod or multiplayer whatever you wanna call it. The Sims 4 Multiplayer Mod was only possible because the game already had online components in it that were essentially just re-enabled. Sims 2 and Sims 3...
  7. -BloodFighter-

    Planning on a new Online Vyond/GoAnimate Game..

    If you need else with anything else, I m more than happy to help you in doing so. I got some experience with Unity.
  8. -BloodFighter-

    Planning on a new Online Vyond/GoAnimate Game..

    Could you figure out the walking?
  9. -BloodFighter-

    Planning on a new Online Vyond/GoAnimate Game..

    So what engine are u using?
  10. -BloodFighter-

    Sim Theme Park/Theme Park World Online Functions

    After two years, I guess that is a bit too late^^
  11. -BloodFighter-

    i made some remesh

    Well done will you release both?
  12. -BloodFighter-

    Humble remeshes...

    What a funny coincidence. Just yesterday I was doing a gnome in FreeSO and was wondering when someone would ever remesh the working table.
  13. -BloodFighter-

    Planning on a new Online Vyond/GoAnimate Game..

    That can be easily done using the Unity Engine
  14. -BloodFighter-

    Mr. Sin's Modeled Goods

    love your releases. Keep up the good work!
  15. -BloodFighter-


    Imagine some naked chick as your splash screen for The Sims Online lol
  16. -BloodFighter-


    I like both the new icon and the new FreeSO splash screen more than the EA-Land counterpart.
  17. -BloodFighter-

    Planning on a new Online Vyond/GoAnimate Game..

    Looks cool. Can't wait to see update on your little game. If I can help you I would be more than happy. I already have some experience with Unity, as I already made a game using the Engine in my school for a project. Just PM me if interested
  18. -BloodFighter-

    Hi, i'm new here

    A warm welcome from me as well.
  19. -BloodFighter-

    Alessandro's Remeshing Corner

    The cone and the aluminium throne's links are not working since there is a : missing after the http part.
  20. -BloodFighter-

    FreeSO Official Blender Sprite Exporter (v2.1)

    download links are dead