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  1. Shippya

    Project Reborn Hamachi Update!!

    OK my router has failed me I'm afraid I'll have to go to plan B! I'm going to try out hamachi! I am still setting everything up so details and ips wont be shared yet also shout out to Chrisoko for being very supportive (and Clonest, and LetsRaceBwoi and Rhy) Thank you all for helping me!
  2. Shippya

    Project Reborn (New Server)

    WAIT!!! I haven't even thought of testing it yet!! its not ready!!
  3. Shippya

    Project Reborn (New Server)

    The last one used build 121 so I'm trying to use build 98
  4. Shippya

    Project Reborn (New Server)

    So my last attempt..... didn't work so much so this time I'm trying my hardest to get it working! Also I don't want it to get that "known" until we can confirm that at least 1 person can get onto it over the internet! The ip is anyone who tried tp participate in the last test...
  5. Shippya

    Playtest now!

    Aw I missed it!!
  6. Shippya

    Playtest now!

    Am I late to try?
  7. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    hmm try joining using that
  8. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    still dont get your hopes up
  9. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    Oh thats because i closed it ill try relaunching
  10. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    i tried hosting to a new ip and if that doesnt work try adding :37564 to the end
  11. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    hmm... I'll check the ports
  12. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    you still aint on are you having any problems?
  13. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    OK! If you want me to start a server please ask!
  14. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    Ok it has been half an hour and yet no one has come Waaah I'll have to close the server but if someone comments saying they wanna start it I will Also I'm installing the skill place so we can play in that If you have any problems connecting please tell me in a comment
  15. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    Is there connection problems there's no one on yet ...
  16. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    OK! I'm loading up the client so feel free to join as I'm starting....NOW!
  17. Shippya

    yo simsonline server is about to launch in 10 mins

    yo simsonline server is about to launch in 10 mins
  18. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    Also any specific maps you want to load or should we start blank and use our CREATIVITY :D
  19. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    Testing only around half an hour away I'm so excited :3
  20. Shippya

    Sims Online! UK based Server

    Ok! Tomorrow is where the first server testing will commence! I will probably be AFK for the most part as I have stuff to do so don't crash it. Please? Also there is one more slot left so first come first serve! ;) Also if anyone wants to record and put it on youtube or livestream feel free!