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  1. Raeven

    Changing Graphics

    This post was originally posted in this thread As a response to my suggestion that Heyty combine his 3 similar decor objects into a single "X-in-1" object. He did so, then had a question about creating an interaction so the Owner can...
  2. Raeven

    FreeSO Tokens

    Sharing some responses from Rhys about how FreeSO Tokens work. These are a few years old so double-check if anything has changed since then. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Me: What is "Transact Attribute"? rip in peri peri —...
  3. Raeven

    Defining some terms

    Chatting today I realized we could use some more posts in here for fledgling object makers so I am starting with this describing what "global", "semiglobal" and "piff" is A global is an iff file full of resources but no Object Definition (so it is not An Object). It is basically a library of...
  4. Raeven

    Avatar ID

    RHYS QUOTE on Avatar ID
  5. Raeven

    My/Stack Object's List

    Thanks so much, Rhys, for the explanation! basic rules:
  6. Raeven


    As explained by Rhys ME: And whichever menu item is chosen [in the pie menu] is returned in parameter 0?
  7. Raeven

    Porch Swing (SimiTone)

    This object isn't in FreeSO (yet) so this is a SimiTone Remesh.
  8. Raeven

    Raeven Remeshes

    moderate Desk from desk.iff This remesh fixes the issue the generated mesh has and allows you to pickup and use small objects when they are placed on the desk's surface.
  9. Raeven

    "Set" option does not work for the Relationship primitive (fixed)

    In Volcanic's Trees editor, the "Relationship" prim can be edited but the Get/Set/Adjust dropdown menu only allows you to choose Get or Adjust. If you try to choose "Set" the option pops back up to Get. This has since been fixed.
  10. Raeven

    Seeking help with catalog text for several objects

    Tucked away in the TSO files are several unused objects from TS1 expansion packs. While they were never used in the original TSO/EA-Land, these objects can be patched up and included in FreeSO. Many of these objects require little or not changes to work in TSO, but are missing a catalog name...
  11. Raeven

    quick note on STR#257 (slot labels)

    STR#257 slot labels is being used incorrectly by Volcanic and causes some confusion (when a person is reading the trees). The labels are (apparently) meant to correspond to each slot in the order they appear within the SLOT irregardless of type. Volcanic, however, pairs the slot up with a label...
  12. Raeven


    DEPRECATED These mirrors have been remeshed by Alessandro using a depth mask and custom textures Moderate Wall Mirror: Store wall mirror: not currently available; there is an issue with the depth mask...
  13. Raeven

    When using more than 8 attributes...

    Is it necessary to state (in the OBJD or elsewhere) how many attributes an object will be using if that amount exceeds 8 (attribute 0 through 7)? If so where/how would I do that in Volcanic?
  14. Raeven

    Base Object - single tile coffee table

    UPDATED FILE: This base was missing the neat "Put Here" option that TSO applies to all of its surfaces, so I've removed to fix that. While I was at it I went ahead gave it more "coffeetable" looking graphics. Please note that this coffee table is a bit oversized and pokes through the wall...
  15. Raeven

    Making Skill Objects

    I've made a (cooking) skill object and it turns out they are much simpler to pull off in TSO/FreeSo and Volcanic than the TS1 versions. This is because TSO has a Skill Objects semi-global. Globals are collections of pre-made trees - the work has been done for you so all you need to learn is the...
  16. Raeven

    Patches for Maxis/EA object

    Garden Swing Piff Sitting interaction works (swinging is built into the Sit interaction). Sitting function (like reading a book) works properly (no swinging). Adds comfort properly (I chose to increase both the maximum comfort level and the comfort per hour from the TS1 values) If your fun is...
  17. Raeven

    Does "Set Motive Change" work in FreeSO?

    Set motive Change ( ) seems to be completely ignored in Legacy. I know that Legacy and GS are not quite the same - is this one of the differences? Or is Set Motive Change something I should avoid using altogether when making/patching FreeSO...
  18. Raeven

    person data Is Housemate?

    'person data Is housemate?' is just a simple no/yes toggle, correct? They aren't like indexed in some way (meaning you can pick "4th" roommate or distinguish house owner from roommates or whatever)?
  19. Raeven

    person data Is Housemate?

    WHOOPS posted this in the wrong forum. meant "Objects". I can't seemto delete t, though. Would you be kind enoguh to do so? 'person data Is housemate' is just a simple no/yes toggle, correct? They aren't like indexed in some way (meaning you can pick "4th" roommate or distinguish house owner...
  20. Raeven

    How do I use the latest Volcanic

    I know the recent update to the global server added the BCON viewer/editor, but the Legacy install still has the older Volcanic. How would I go about updating the old "Legacy" Volcanic to this newer one?