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  1. Hayran

    4 Seconds of The Sims Online Animation

    Nice :3 I like!
  2. Hayran

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    This error is for everyone. We will have to wait to open/fix the registration problem.
  3. Hayran

    installation trouble

    Run as administrator. But even if it does not work, it may be that the launcher has corrupted, try downloading again. If the error persists, please comment again here.
  4. Hayran

    Error while trying to open Freeso

    LALLLLLLLLL What did you do?
  5. Hayran

    Error while trying to open Freeso

    I'm uploading my files to Google Drive, it will take a few minutes. Then you download and put the files there, and see if it works.
  6. Hayran

    Error while trying to open Freeso

    It seems to be some problem with Windows 10 and the installer. The files are not installing, so it is giving the error above: Normal (correct without FreeSO laucher)
  7. Hayran

    Error while trying to open Freeso

    I think the file corrupted, but I do not know the cause. I wanted to find the problem. One of the user have Windows 10. Do the ones above also have? @jessamica92 Try download again :X, but first, delete the Maxis/The Sims Online folder. We need to find this error and solve it.
  8. Hayran

    Error while trying to open Freeso

    OMG :( If I can find a solution, I will send... @To DEV of launcher OMG :( I sent the tuning.dat file to user but that was giving error. He reported this picture problem. It uses Windows 10, it has Windows Defender turned off, it does not have antivirus, it has framework and never installed...
  9. Hayran

    Error while trying to open Freeso

    Np :) If you system is 32bits, change the code to it to below: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Maxis\The Sims Online] "InstallDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Maxis\\The Sims Online\\" "GameDir"="TSOClient" "GameExe"="TSOClient.exe" "PatchDir"="TSOPatch"...
  10. Hayran

    Error while trying to open Freeso

    @jessamica92 1 - First, open notepad and type in the following syntax: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Maxis\The Sims Online] "InstallDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Maxis\\The Sims Online\\" "GameDir"="TSOClient" "GameExe"="TSOClient.exe"...
  11. Hayran

    Simsfreak for moderator! :3

    Simsfreak for moderator! :3
  12. Hayran

    Introducing Sunrise Crater!

    K, Of course hehe, everybody can live wherever want at Sunrise Crater. I am only just informed about the voting we did in the brazilian community.
  13. Hayran

    Introducing Sunrise Crater!

    I'm not assuming anything. Only the Brazilian community agreed to get together there.
  14. Hayran

    Need Help Installing

    Do not forget to change in the launcher's menu options the settings for OpenGL and full screen. '-'
  15. Hayran

    #SimsOnlineIsBack TODAY!

    #SimsOnlineIsBack TODAY!
  16. Hayran

    [ARCHIVE] Final Checklist Discussion

    What job will paying the most? Or are they all going to be the same pay?
  17. Hayran

    Introducing Sunrise Crater!

    The Brazilian community set up to meet in this island :)
  18. Hayran

    Soccer Leagues in FreeSO!

    It will be cool to have community-promoted football championships '-'.
  19. Hayran

    I'm going to sleep and wake up at release date haha.

    I'm going to sleep and wake up at release date haha.
  20. Hayran

    Introducing Sunrise Crater!

    I'm excited! Ty! I'm going to sleep and wake up at release date haha.