Backup House Data

Mr X

New Member
Hello, I have just reinstalled my operating system and am in the process of reinstalling my programs now. My questions is, after i finish installing the current version of freeso, which data folders do i need to replace to get my house and character back? I have backed up the entire directory for freeso, so it must be in there somewhere. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
Content/LocalHouse/house_00.fsov contains your lot state. Back that up so it doesn't get replaced.

The base file was at The Sims Online/TSOClient/housedata/blueprints/house_00.xml. If that's not there, make sure you have backed up that fsov, save ANY lot, then replace the new "house_00.fsov" with the one you backed up.
Content/LocalHouse/house_00.fsov contains your lot state. Back that up so it doesn't get replaced.

The base file was at The Sims Online/TSOClient/housedata/blueprints/house_00.xml. If that's not there, make sure you have backed up that fsov, save ANY lot, then replace the new "house_00.fsov" with the one you backed up.
Perfect, thank you. This is exactly the information I was looking for. :)
Content/LocalHouse/house_00.fsov contains your lot state. Back that up so it doesn't get replaced.

The base file was at The Sims Online/TSOClient/housedata/blueprints/house_00.xml. If that's not there, make sure you have backed up that fsov, save ANY lot, then replace the new "house_00.fsov" with the one you backed up.
I found the correct files, but the game just won't open. It will update, and the launcher will show up, and I tried opening directly from freeso.exe, but it immediately crashes. I tried dx mode, too. Not sure what the problem is this time around. I'm close to just uninstalling it and trying to reinstall it from square one just to make sure. I followed the launcher installation process. Before when I had it, i did everything manually. Can we still do it that way? I couldn't locate where to download packingslips.