Locked skills decaying past .99


New Member
Apologies if this is known or reported elsewhere. I couldn't find any mention of it.

My skill locks don't seem to be performing the way they did in TSO. I skilled both Cooking and Charisma to just past 11.00 and used my 20 skill locks to lock both at 10. I expected both skills to decay back down to 10.99 but no further which was my experience in TSO and is how it is explained on TSO Mania (http://www.tsomania.net/gameguides/skills.php):
For example, if you locked charisma 5.00 in your Sim Page, you can go up to 5.99 and experience no decay from that point down. If you go to 6.00, however, it can still decay back down to 5.99, where it will stop.
I skilled both back up past 11.00 and unlocked and re-locked them just to be sure it wasn't a problem with my initially locking them before they were at 10.99, but that didn't seem to make a difference. My Cooking has currently (slowly) decayed to 10.98 and my Charisma to 10.94. I'm assuming they'll keep decaying until they hit 10.00. Is this expected behavior in FreeSO?
While that description does accurately describe how it worked in TSO, this is expected behaviour in FreeSo, yes, and you are correct, decay will stop at 10.00.