Sims 1 CC in TSO?

It's different due to changes to certain primitives and scopes (game time globals have been completely replaced!) and functional expectations (all objects should never modify their state before placement, no modifications on check trees...). Some primitive operands have changed slightly so tso's simantics isn't exactly code compatable with ts1's for some primitives.

That's not to say these objects could not be easily converted!
i'm guessing this'd mean as well custom Meshes for sims would haveto be converted too? as i had this long ago for sims 1
(well the orginal on TSR is white, but someone is atm Working on making it fully retextured for me.)
The format for meshes is also vastly different, so you'd need to somehow convert them too. Also, we won't be letting any ridiculous (or badly designed) meshes into the game - the bear suit and robots are enough! That mesh you posted just looks creepy...
The format for meshes is also vastly different, so you'd need to somehow convert them too. Also, we won't be letting any ridiculous (or badly designed) meshes into the game - the bear suit and robots are enough! That mesh you posted just looks creepy...
Ah that is understandable.
The format for meshes is also vastly different, so you'd need to somehow convert them too. Also, we won't be letting any ridiculous (or badly designed) meshes into the game - the bear suit and robots are enough! That mesh you posted just looks creepy...
I hope that goes for every CC, because (especially for Sims 1) you often find objects that look beyond just terrible! They are badly designed and don't fit the look and feel of The Sims.

some examples:
We're going to have a set of policies on this, one of them will be that the objects need to look at least as good as those in the base game, and their z buffers must be perfect (no 2d sprites!)
Also concerning object scripts... They can't give people free or faster ways to earn skills, motive greening or money, but anything is allowed as long as it makes sense in the sims and doesn't break the game balance.
The format for meshes is also vastly different, so you'd need to somehow convert them too. Also, we won't be letting any ridiculous (or badly designed) meshes into the game - the bear suit and robots are enough! That mesh you posted just looks creepy...
I will. They were a fresh departure from humans. Though, the execution (like bathing, ect...) coulda been better.