I'm surprised this topic is so quiet. Or, maybe just nobody ever ran this. Anyway, I did it today, hoping that I could see all these kuhl things you were posting about in this thread. I'm sorry for being harsh, but...
This fork is so broken, I don't even know where to start. It's plagued by all the old Project Dollhouse bugs that were already fixed upstream. Protip - when your forking, use git to pull fixes from the master branch. Anyway, let's focus on the UX, because that's where we meet confusion and pain.
Welcome to city view, land of "what is even happening here, what am I supposed to do". After a while I figured that out. I guess these three buttons on the top right are what is going to put me into game? I guess I'd start with creating a Sim!
What we can see is bugs from the old PD/FreeSO releases. Sure. I think I crashed it once by accident while writing this post. BUT HEY, THAT'S JUST SLOWING ME DOWN, I'LL GO THERE, I'M AN EXPERT, TRUST MEH. And here is where things get interesting.
There is basically NO FEEDBACK to the player that their character was broken so you end up making 10 of them desperately clicking that button. Because that's the point when we find out - hey, we just made ten of those and we hit a limit. Yeah, thanks. Good to know. How do I even leave this screen now? Turns out it's cancel because "x" closes the game (yeah, I tried the "x" first).
What's next? Hey, this should be easy. I can create a new house!
wat. what is this screen. whaaaat. Ok, let's assume it's a placeholder and I'm going to love it despite how broken it is. CAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU DO. Anyway... How do you even create a house? There is this super ugly dialog that crashes no matter what I do. Sorry, I don't like it now. And I think it's stupid.
So, if I can't create a house, maybe I'd open a blueprint.
Hey, it ALMOST works. There are no Sims in here but hey! (but, I just created like ten of identical characters, waaat) Of course switching to Live Mode is... crashing the game. Nice work @
There is also super confusing updater. So, I'm running 1.3, but it's actually 1.0 and there is 1.1 on the server? WAT. Am I downgrading? Am I updating? What is happening? Where is my coffee?

Useful labels I guess.