Recent content by Bienchen

  1. Bienchen

    TSO German Community

    Ich war damals schon im betatest von TSO von EA dabei und hab bis zum shutdown gespielt. Natürlich habe ich mich immer wieder nach sims als online spiel umgeschaut und bin dann vor einigen Jahren auf TSO restoration gestossen, was leider ein Reinfall war. Dann fand ich 2014 diese Seite und hab...
  2. Bienchen

    TSO German Community

    österreich here :D
  3. Bienchen

    First FreeSo Tiger :D

  4. Bienchen

    Who played the original TSO in Alphaville?

    I remember you! I was hanging out alot with Vito and Paul in AV. I met your family first time in DG where i had a skillhouse for body.
  5. Bienchen

    Introducing Sunrise Crater!

    great work Rhy and team! time is running fast in my age, but this will be the longest week in my life lol
  6. Bienchen

    [ARCHIVE] Final Checklist Discussion

    i am wondering if we already have rare pets on the test server? :D
  7. Bienchen

    Who played the original TSO in Alphaville?

    my founder sim was Bienchen in AV my 2nd was HoTDeViL in BF my 3rd was in DG but cannot remember the name i did roofs and had stores mostly
  8. Bienchen

    [ARCHIVE] Final Checklist Discussion

    Thank you Rhy and team for all the hard work you have done. I made myself a christmas gift and bought a notebook, so i will be able to play FreeSo. Can't wait for it, since I was playing the beta from TSO also, started in AV as Bienchen Being a founder again would be awesome
  9. Bienchen

    FreeSO is the best christmas gift ever :D

    FreeSO is the best christmas gift ever :D