Recent content by Hayden99

  1. Hayden99

    Is Gone for a very long time I'll log on and check how things are going around Freeso. For now...

    Is Gone for a very long time I'll log on and check how things are going around Freeso. For now I'm out!
  2. Hayden99

    the sims pinball

    i got this when i started it up anyway to fix this? :(
  3. Hayden99

    the sims pinball

    Yeah ill give it a shot
  4. Hayden99

    the sims pinball

    Looks like 3D Pinball Space Cade- Wait a minute... it is... But still Pretty Cool:) anyway i can try it out?
  5. Hayden99

    Best & Worst The Sims Expansion Pack

    Sims Unleashed was my first expansion pack when i was a kid. i thought you could play as the pets. but i had a pretty fun time with the expansion pack. the pets were adorable. and the bigger neighborhood was amazing :). But Makin Magic was my favorite in the Sims 1.
  6. Hayden99

    Havent been on the forums for a long time....

    well i came to check on things im glad everyones doing fine :)
  7. Hayden99

    Havent been on the forums for a long time....

    What did i miss?
  8. Hayden99

    TSO Installation Slides

    i havent noticed this when i installed this game the first time
  9. Hayden99

    Skilling House (Ea Land)

    That looks amazing! i would go there if i needed some skills :)
  10. Hayden99

    nah thats not gonna happen nvm

    nah thats not gonna happen nvm
  11. Hayden99

    hopes to get active member someday

    hopes to get active member someday
  12. Hayden99

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    it crashed again D:
  13. Hayden99

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    No. im not :( i dont use skype
  14. Hayden99

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    server crashed again...
  15. Hayden99

    FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

    Coming now :D