Recent content by Jaybles

  1. J

    Property Balance

    I actually really like this idea. Maybe even make the max 18 like it used to be? At least until more people are back on.
  2. J

    Hey Rhys! If there's anything I can do to help, programming aside, please don't hesitate to let...

    Hey Rhys! If there's anything I can do to help, programming aside, please don't hesitate to let me know!
  3. J

    Is this thing on

    Is this thing on
  4. J

    I'm here!

    Hey all! brief intro. I played TSO from 2003-close. I went by Riley Escobar', Riley Capone, Riley Omen or Riley Martinelli. I'm super pumped about FreeSO! If someone could help me get caught up to speed, like where to download TSO, how to get it running, (as i have not been on a PC in a long...