Recent content by Raeven

  1. Raeven

    Raeven Remeshes

    NOTE: These are not included in the Remesh Package
  2. Raeven

    Changing Graphics

    This post was originally posted in this thread As a response to my suggestion that Heyty combine his 3 similar decor objects into a single "X-in-1" object. He did so, then had a question about creating an interaction so the Owner can...
  3. Raeven

    Re-meshing 3D Objects in Blender for FreeSO/Simitone - Tips, Tutorials and Information

    Lighting Basics Three Point Lighting This video is a bit old, using Blender 2.8 to illustrate the lighting fundamentals. Blender actually has a lighting templates add-on built in that you can use instead of adding the lamps manually. You may need to turn the add-on on in your preferences (I...
  4. Raeven

    Heyty is making stuff!

    To tidy this thread and keep the focus on Heyty's upload, the contents of this post were moved here: Side note: The signs links need to be separated as well
  5. Raeven

    FreeSO Tokens

    Sharing some responses from Rhys about how FreeSO Tokens work. These are a few years old so double-check if anything has changed since then. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Me: What is "Transact Attribute"? rip in peri peri —...
  6. Raeven

    Defining some terms

    Chatting today I realized we could use some more posts in here for fledgling object makers so I am starting with this describing what "global", "semiglobal" and "piff" is A global is an iff file full of resources but no Object Definition (so it is not An Object). It is basically a library of...
  7. Raeven

    Heyty is making stuff!

    Looks like a fun addition. My preference for clutter objects like this is to make them "X-in-1". This combines them all into a single object that displays different variants each they are purchased (or you can include an interaction allowing the owner of the object to choose a specific variant...
  8. Raeven

    Re-meshing 3D Objects in Blender for FreeSO/Simitone - Tips, Tutorials and Information

    While his main focus is low poly game assets, this video serves are a very thorough introduction to blender. He demonstrates each thing fairly quickly but it a lot of things. The video description has a *very* detailed timeline.
  9. Raeven

    Re-meshing 3D Objects in Blender for FreeSO/Simitone - Tips, Tutorials and Information

    There is a great new resource for those interested in procedural textures. He started up (posting videos) a couple of months ago and has posted his 7th video this past week. This is more advanced stuff showing how to control your procedural materials. His explanations are very easy to follow...
  10. Raeven

    Re-meshing 3D Objects in Blender for FreeSO/Simitone - Tips, Tutorials and Information

    A few more beginner links for learning Blender Blender 2.8 Complete Beginners Guide Grant Abbitt Part 1 - Interface Part 2 - Modeling Part 3 - Editing Meshes Part 4 - Materials Part 5 - The Monster (more modeling, a little...
  11. Raeven

    Raeven Remeshes

    EDIT: An updated version with remeshed bubbles has been included in the Remesh Package instead of this file. bubblemaker v1 The bubbles have not been done. This (and probably a couple of other things) will be updated in the future.) This zip has the improved texture by ivcix120 YAY!!
  12. Raeven

    Raeven Remeshes

    Castle Table v1 This may be improved upon in the future (if someone else has not already done one by then). Regarding screenshots: take note that the edges and legs do not look great when viewed up close
  13. Raeven

    Minor Bug Thread

    Don’t feel too bad about that. The newbie bonus is only for a week and then everyone earns skills and money at exactly the same rate. This is just a little extra during the time some people might make mistakes.
  14. Raeven

    Minor Bug Thread

    I suspect they were not being honest with you. Boards would need to have their coding changed to raise skill (which means everyone would need to download the new version of the boards and it would work this way for all) and even then an older sim would not be able to gain any skill on a welcome...
  15. Raeven

    FreeSO Rules

    Hiya, Randall :) You can find them posted here Here: And at the discord server (this is also where you can see all of the game-related announcements and connect with daily players)