Recent content by Spazmbite

  1. Spazmbite

    Polish Neighorhood (Community)
  2. Spazmbite

    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    Hello everyone! I'm right here to announce, that Polish Community from "The Sims Online Polska" facebook page, chose our Polish Neighborhood! Of course, we don't own this place, but this is where whole Polish Community will be! As a "Leader" of this people, I don't want to say "If you are not...
  3. Spazmbite

    Today, Polish Community from "The Sims Online Polska" facebook fanpage will choose which part of...

    Today, Polish Community from "The Sims Online Polska" facebook fanpage will choose which part of Sunrise Crater will be a "Polish District"!
  4. Spazmbite

    Introducing Sunrise Crater!

    Oh damn.. That's awesome! I can't believe I will play on this map soon *-* Whole Polish Community is waiting! #FreeSoPoland
  5. Spazmbite

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    Woah!! I can't hardly wait! :D
  6. Spazmbite


    I love the way how new map looks like! And I'm also happy of that amount of players! Great job! :D
  7. Spazmbite


    Oh my God! I can't wait to test this map! Awesomeness!
  8. Spazmbite


    I know, I know, I was just curious if will look like future Global Server :) But anyway, awesome! I can't wait for that map update! :)
  9. Spazmbite


    "Change map", "new house(s)"? What does it means? Whole map to play with some amount of lots, or just completely new ONE lot? :)