He might be trying to create some fake panic to sabotage the project, or just hates your guts (for some reason).
Let me tell everyone this, I've been here since 2014 (PD Days) have FreeSO install for quite a while now.
I've never found a virus related to the FreeSO project files.
Hello ya'll,
I've really enjoyed watching FreeSO go further then any project before (NIOTSO,Project Dollhouse (Previous name)!
My question is if the normal Sims 2 or 3 can be modded in such a way that it plays like Co-op, letting one user control a character while the other can control another...
More advertisement, only thing the more FreeSO gets advertised the more people will tune in... that poor server will not know what hit it...
But i'm sure if Rhys works on it, it'll just run smooth like .. erm .. smooth.
I am getting very exited!
It's gonna be late for me, since i live in Belgium [22:00 is 23:00 for me], and a all nighter isn't gonna happen.
But i really want to try this [And might stream on YouTube if possible :)]
Well then we are with 3, the good ol' times,
actually i am so happy this project is going somewhere at such a quick pace!
I always know Rhys had it in him ;)
If all goes well this would be my first time playing something that is so close to The Sims Online for the first time [Never played the...
Would be awesome ;)
I would vouch for sitting in the audience an supporting and you know scream.
After the game is over and we lost, go hooligan and leave nothing and no one standing ;p
Then go to the resort Chez Prison for a couple days potentially more but it depends on whether they like me or...
We'll make that 2
One of them is scared to say he is so he just votes No, the other one has the biggest guts ever and says what he really thinks ;p
Fanmade story, aka i'm just kidding do not take that serious rofl :D
I found the maxis employee c;
JWolfes you can lower the cover we...
Well you did see it now,i found it in a link on the blog.
If you go to freeso.org then go to "Download FreeSO" [At the top].
On that page, there should be a link "Click here to download the FreeSO Installer." and if you'd click that (Which i did) it sends you to play.freeso.net!