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  1. pisarz1958

    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    Próbujemy opanować sytuację. Nasze serwery są obecnie DDoSowane, może to chwilę potrwać.
  2. pisarz1958

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    We're experiencing some troubles on our end. Please stop trying to load the registration page. We'll let you know as soon as everything is up. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. pisarz1958

    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    Mamy drobne problemy techniczne. Prosimy przestać próbować się zarejestrować - to nie zadziała. Damy Wam znać jak tylko rejestracja zacznie działać. Przepraszamy za nieudogodnienia.
  4. pisarz1958

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    You don't need to completely reinstall (unless you really like wasting time). If you have TSO installed and working, just downloading the latest build will get you sorted.
  5. pisarz1958

    Cannot register getting errrors

    Server is down. Please stop trying for now.
  6. pisarz1958

    I Want To Make A Small Program

    The only thing I could think of is Clickteam Fusion, it's pretty much what you're asking for.
  7. pisarz1958

    $40 monthly fee??

    Idk what she downloaded and where but it's certainly not FreeSO.
  8. pisarz1958

    [Pre?Release] Official Sims 1 for Linux aka (Mandrake Gaming Edition)

    I'm not surprised that gaming on Linux never took off, even with Steam making it a bit better place. You can't just build it, ship it and trash it, which I guess was an approach people sometimes took. You mostly can't even run a binary that was built a few years ago on a newer distro. It's not...
  9. pisarz1958

    Its not working...

    There should be no "TSOClient" in InstallDir path. See a dump from my registry below. Put this in a text file, save as .reg, double-click (or just make the adjustments manually): Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Maxis]...
  10. pisarz1958

    Introducing Sunrise Crater!

    Can I move from real life to FreeSO now? :D
  11. pisarz1958

    The User Interface is bad

    I'd like to hear more about what's bad in TSO UI, except for the fact that someone might be complaining about things that look old because they're old. I'd like to hear some points. I personally believe that there are a few UI elements that I'd consider bad UX-wise (catalog!), but "photoshopping...
  12. pisarz1958

    ROUND 2 - Choose the city that the FreeSO Official Server will use!

    Is a third round even needed? BF is going to win anyway :/
  13. pisarz1958

    [ARCHIVE] Final Checklist Discussion

    Wasn't it like the top 1 thing people criticized TSO for?
  14. pisarz1958


    That text is just a placeholder.
  15. pisarz1958

    a login for freeso

    We already can create new content, there is like a whole category for that:
  16. pisarz1958

    a login for freeso

  17. pisarz1958

    FreeSO on iOS: My UI Concept

    It's perfectly clear, that for mobile version, UI would have to be completely reorganized (which would probably be a technical challenge, as Rhys stated). Anyway. Having to deal with much less screen estate than on desktop (where you could probably put most of the things on the screen and end...
  18. pisarz1958

    [ARCHIVE] Road to Live Release

    "I read guides on forums instead of posting about my issues in random topics" ~Nobody Ever
  19. pisarz1958

    FreeSO on iOS

    I think it's about my signature. Inside joke, hard to explain. I do realize that I'm the only person to care about UWP and I don't even enjoy playing games on my phone. Just had to ask anyway.