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  1. Cytlan

    TS1 Chunks

    Hmm, interesting. I'll switch my focus to the walls for the next few days and see what I can figure out. My desktop computer decided to go on vacation, so I won't be able to make any more test lots, but I'll keep it in mind. I'm almost entirely certain that it isn't stored in Arry(3), though...
  2. Cytlan

    TS1 Chunks

    I've been spending a lot of time decoding the various chunks found in TS1 houses that have yet to be documented. I'll use this thread for my sharing my efforts with decoding these chunks, and keep my SimAntics thread strictly about SimAntics. Currently I'm able to load objm, objt, arry and simi...
  3. Cytlan

    SimAntics Decompiling

    I see. I only noticed when I stated looking for nodes that weren't exercised when iterating the graph. As someone who's very interested the the development of things, I find this fascinating.
  4. Cytlan

    SimAntics Decompiling

    Not quite. I'll make a new topic about Arry(3) decoding tomorrow, as we're getting too much off topic from SimAntics decompiling. On topic, I'm rewritten the decompiler to use a graph approach instead, and it can reliably detect loops now. I'm surprised it isn't as slow as I imagined it to be...
  5. Cytlan

    SimAntics Decompiling

    This is exactly right. In my code, I completely disregard the order of the instructions in the binary when considering the program flow (and as a result, IDs are only used as pointers), because it doesn't represent the program flow in any meaningful way. There's no guarantee the true branch is...
  6. Cytlan

    SimAntics Decompiling

    Just thought I'd share a status update: Been focusing on Arry(3) since my last post, and I've made some progress. I'm still struggling to calculate some Y offsets properly, however. Each entry contains info on where to put the next object (Yes, next. Not the current object, but the next one in...
  7. Cytlan


    10/10 would rotate again
  8. Cytlan

    about rabbit in TS1 series

    Not to mention, it also probably shares a lot of code with the mice which also are 2D. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the bunnies and the mice are defined in the same iff file and are inherited from the cockroach object. So it just made sense to save time and effort and recycle these old...
  9. Cytlan

    SimAntics Decompiling

    I saw that. Pretty cool! But it did require a 1.5GB download. I'd like to rather stream only the data needed, as well as have the server only transfer repackaged data to the client. Of course, this setup would require all servers to be kept private, else it'd be blatant piracy. But that's just...
  10. Cytlan

    SimAntics Decompiling

    Thanks! Yes, the plan is to be able to decode and encode all Arry formats, write up some documentation on it, and have encoding/decoding modules implemented in JS. For the floor and pools, I'll just decode it into a 63*63 2d array. If I will be able to get that far before I lose interest is...
  11. Cytlan

    SimAntics Decompiling

    My main idea for decompiling isn't editing the Maxis objects, but rather for analysis, dynamic recompiling and repackaging. I have previously worked on a 6502 to JS recompiler, so that's what I had in mind when starting out. A compiler should be able to compile into both native code and...
  12. Cytlan

    SimAntics Decompiling

    So I've been playing around with reverse engineering various formats used in The Sims, specifically the Arry formats found in the Housexx.iff files, in the hopes of being able to create a house renderer in Javascript. I got a little side tracked and ended up working on a decompiler for...