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  1. simsfreak

    Legacy Installation

    Problem solved I lost my legacy folder and I would like to reinstall it. I would like to install it in the Document Folder because is empty nothing is there... is wiped clean. If i install it on this folder... I get Global Client instead of Legacy Client. I can wipe TSO wiped clean again from...
  2. simsfreak

    Multitles Object

    Any is good on multitiles? For some reason i can't shake off the single-tile object. It seems to me and may -be is not true that I need to write an "init side a and init side b" in order for the game to read the 2nd tile? Doing it the normal irrational way doesnt work if you have succesfully...
  3. simsfreak

    Banned from Discord

    I know how all this comes down to. This will be my very last post in this channel also. It doesnt matter either.
  4. simsfreak

    Unable to connect to own server

    I posted on Discord this issue, I hope someone can light me up Before I write anything let me say, I was able to connect successfully to my own server. No issues, no fuzz. Simple! Now... the I cannot. I was told I cannot ... connect to my own server...but I did before, has anything change? No...
  5. simsfreak

    4 Seconds of The Sims Online Animation

    Rendering 4 seconds in Blender were the cruelest, due to the settings I used. Almost 3 hours wait. And my PC is not the fastest. Is the first time I try the older version of Sims and animate them. It was a fun test.
  6. simsfreak

    FreeSO Open Beta Fiasco Video

    This is how I felt yesterday!
  7. simsfreak

    Updates tomorrow

    Let me see if I get this. We have two options to update and play tomorrow. One is installer created by JD or Update Utility by Sim which was a Zach code or whatever? 1. JD's x86 release... doesn't want to even open on my PC. 2 The update utility sends the updates to a FreeSO folder which is...
  8. simsfreak

    The Prime Tree

    This is the Prime Tree. This is not just a tree!... Some say they it has magic powers to conjure Love, enemies or Live your fullest. Beware if you ever come close to it... You might end up doing the Chicken dance. :p
  9. simsfreak

    FreeSO Open Beta Countdown Gif

  10. simsfreak

    3D Max

    Do I save the render Item as TGA? PNG?
  11. simsfreak

    Auntie Betulia's Canning Kitchen - Upgrade - progress

    After spending hours on this, Made a few mistake on layers in Blender, but I was able to go around it. This is my progress. This is how I personally see Auntie Betunia's Canning Kitchen. They come in Three different flavors. Red, Green and Blue. (Yellow maybe) lol
  12. simsfreak

    3D Max crashing issues.

    I have never worked using 3D Max. So I decided to jump the bandwagon and download 3D Max Design 2015. I am really impressed how convenient the interface is. I have various points. 1. Blender uses 'addons', but it seems 3D Max we do not need them? <-- For Sprite creations ... because there is...
  13. simsfreak

    Custom Creation Question for the future.

    Can We have New Custom Creation -- be creative using the Thumbhammer Workbench Can we have it like it was before in EA Land that you will have your custom object iff save in some folder and using the Workbench to create the copies we want at a price?
  14. simsfreak

    Im having alot of fun using volcanic

    I am having alot of fun with Custom Creation Stuff. I hope you do like it.
  15. simsfreak

    Sims as a host/hostess Overview

    It is important to be courteous to your visitors if you want to keep them coming back. Here are some tips on how to be a good host or hostess. When a visitor arrives on your lot, saying a quick hello lets them know that they are welcome. Invite them inside and offer them a meal. Ask them if...
  16. simsfreak

    Sims Skills Overview

    The Body Skill Raising the body skill will give your Sim new social interactions. Some of these are: 'Pile Drive', 'Bench Press', or 'Back flip'. You can raise your body skill by dancing in the dance cages, or working out on an exercise machine. Body is also useful on group job objects such...
  17. simsfreak

    Sims Needs Overview

    One of the main concerns of controlling your Sim would have to be needs management. There are eight needs that motivate your Sim. These are Hunger, Comfort, Hygiene, Bladder, Energy, Fun, Social, and Room. Needs are monitored by bars in your Universal Control Panel, which at their highest...
  18. simsfreak

    Cooking Studying and the missing book

    After my avatar got tired of reading cooking, where did the book went? is not back on the shelve. Is missing in action. Need some insight. Update it most be lag or something...but the book is back in the shelve...all good now 2nd Update: Now i am missing the book again... so i will assume is...