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  1. zero35

    tso hatrack rc1

    "Top of the Morning" Hat Rack Fedora. Sombrero. Big Red Clown Wig. Headgear is the finishing touch on a Sim's personal image. Make a bold, top-down fashion statement! Add that special accent to your look with this assortment of hats and other head accessories. hi everyone,this time i released...
  2. zero35

    ts1/tso censorship flags

    i found original censorship flags notes in Behavior.iff #178 is fully incorrect,this a correct censorship flags notes by my tested: #0 none #1 pelvis #2 spine if female(breast) #3 spine #4 head #5 spine pelvis head hand #6 spine head #7 spine hand #8 left plam #9 pelvis hand #10 left right hand...
  3. zero35

    Simitone features request:expand TS1 vm

    in the future Simitone could provide some TSO vm functions reserve for expand TS1 vm?mainly some TSO primitives: for example Generic Sims Online Call: 14 - house radio station := temp 0(more simply to set radio station) 17 - Get Interaction Result 18 - Set Interaction Result 40 - Test Stack...
  4. zero35

    TSO pest system & sprinklers for TS1

    pest system sprinklers everyone is welcome to test and report any bugs with two objects thank you RHY3756547 for the Volcanic IDE, it was very helpful and can help anyone to make custom objects for...
  5. zero35

    tso spawn pests fix

    bhav 4105(Controller - can spawn more mice?) & 4112(Controller - can spawn more roaches?),them are local 0 < 4096:0 & local 0 < 4096:9 i checked bcon lable and it tell me: <OTF> <T i="4096" n="Tuning: Pest Controller"> <K i="0" l="Max Mice" v="2"></K> <K i="1" l="Spawn Pest - percent...
  6. zero35

    about ts2 Simantics editor

    @RHY3756547 in the future can you write a TS2 Simantics editor for support edit 8004-8008 bhavs?known SimsPE able to edit TS2 Simantics but it's very poor functions,we need a similar to codex or edith can display TS2 Simantics tree editor PS:how is the work progress of your TS1 Volcanic?i have...
  7. zero35

    tutorial: 4 steps of fast conversion tso 8003 bhavs

    references: i has been found a super easy method to fast conversion TSO 8003 bhavs into TS1 readable 8002 format tool is IFF Pencil 2's Hex editor this a sample: picture4 edit:sorry my mistake,parameters&locals free conversion your 8003 bhavs...
  8. zero35

    about future TS1 Enhance project

    @RHY3756547 can we can use some TSO bhav code to better enhance TS1? i have tried some transplant like TSO Global:Graphics: Set Stack Graphic i want to know some TSO codes more advanced than the original TS1 game?there is which different compare to original TS1's set object graphic from running...
  9. zero35

    PlantCarnivore bhav and animation optimize

    this optimized PlantCarnivore,added "new animation - Open Mouth" for object when sims feeds it: and optimized bhav code,i removed garbage code from bhav "Water" next my project is porting flies.iff to make it can kill pest like tso climbing carnivine,but when we try to add kill flies for this...
  10. zero35

    climbing carnivine for TS1

    my climbing carnivine conversion near finished,now finally kill pests start working correctly,main parts get finished,currently tso pests controller still needs fully porting after import into ts1,and need more test,i post wip screenshot here thanks peter9g take converted bhav help me of finish it
  11. zero35

    a dual loop in tso flowers

    known tso flowers has themselves update bhav# 8204 "SG - Helper - Update",i don't understand why tso use dual loop of first run tree in planttrellisvine's bhav# 4104 "CT - Update"?how stupid programmer write it:eek:
  12. zero35

    gardenplot hack code share

    this a simple bhav code for make sprinklers can water with gardenplot still is in alpha testing,but you maybe need add a new bhav to gardenplot.iff if you want use it in tso
  13. zero35

    about Generic TSO Call #51 - HasTemporaryID

    i want know what's the function of Generic TSO Call #51 - HasTemporaryID?it means create Temp0? and i can found similar Generic Sims Call in TS1:#42 Make temp[0] Selected Sim it's in Makin'Magic o_O
  14. zero35

    tso footmassager for ts1

    a long time ago due some strange problems Peter's version don't work fine at ts1,but i has been fixed it:) unsolved problem is how to change sims shoes,hope bhav masters can give me some clues at this point for make this conversion more perfect:( enjoy:D
  15. zero35

    the sims pinball

    everyone still remember a pinball games in the sims 1 homepage?:p
  16. zero35

    TSO elixirexpress computer

    my new sample this elixirexpress computer for TS1,it not uses TSO skill bhav codes,modified by TS1 computer bhav for avoid incompatible TSO skill bhav but it's same as function of sims can do research by use this computer just like it in TSO(+logic skill) share to everyone,hope enjoy:p
  17. zero35

    why some TSO objects use multithreading bahvs?

    i can found them common are Beds、TVs,have very much parallel bhav trees codes but TS1 don't use it,i want know what are the advantages of TSO multithreading bhavs?
  18. zero35

    tso superstar objects?

    look these: although TSO not import SS contents but seems some objects still are very similar SS
  19. zero35

    TS1/TSO bug when pet use elevator

    yeah,this bug exist in TSO elevators and TS1/TSO Teleporter_SP when pets use elevator,Rhys are you have ideas to fixes this in the future? although not hurt the important essentials:D:p:D:p
  20. zero35

    Sim Ant

    Sim Ant is my best favorite of SNES games