Search results

  1. mrpenguinb

    Resolving XAudio2 issues, .NET issues and other issues when launching

    Resolving DirectX Crashes, .NET issues, updating issues when launching FreeSO Sometimes FreeSO (or any other application may encounter this at some point) the error of '[DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVE/DeviceRemoved]' This is a perplexing issue, there are many solutions. It seems that something isn't...
  2. mrpenguinb

    Pingu's Igloo Remesh Stash

    With the new 3D mode for FreeSO successfully implemented by Rhys, I wanted to help remesh by learning Blender (nearly zero knowledge before doing this re-mesh). I now understand 3D modelling (very basic!) and has been valuable to learn. I have always wanted to contribute something to the...
  3. mrpenguinb

    Re-meshing 3D Objects in Blender for FreeSO/Simitone - Tips, Tutorials and Information

    Re-meshing 3D Objects in Blender for FreeSO/Simitone What is the process of re-meshing? - To re-mesh an object means to make an object difference in appearance or remake it entirely Why should I re-mesh objects? They look fine from a distance, right? - Not necessarily, the models that have...
  4. mrpenguinb

    Adventure Lots - External Areas similar to locations in TS1

    I have never made a suggestion before, but what if TSO had some separate lots designated to adventuring or some specific interactions with *unique cutscenes* with a possible story arch (in series) (similar to the TS1 Expansion pack lots)?. There could be seasonal festivals or events, market...
  5. mrpenguinb

    OUTDATED FreeSO Links - Resources for EVERYTHING! D:

    FreeSO & TSO - Resources/Links FAQ's - Frequenty Asked Questions FreeSO GS Account Registration Check the status of the Global Server FreeSO Support - Submit a ticket TSOMania - Wiki +...