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    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    Tak, ale chciałabym by to było przy okazji grania z znajomym, bo jak już mówiłam, nie mam za dużo czasu.
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    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    Też tak czytałam. Ale chyba poczekam na otwartą. Chciałam grać razem z kolegą. A na takie granie bez znajomego towarzystwa nie za bardzo mam czas. :( I tak za bardzo się obijam obecnie. :D
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    I would thank them too. I saw one person which was arguing with them, complaining about delaying of beta tests. I don't know how somebody can be so ungrateful. But I want them to know, that We will wait, no matter how long time fixing this will take. They are making a very good job. <3
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    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    Cóż... Będę czekać na następne otwarcie. Liczę, że mimo wszystko, zainteresowanie ludzi z Polski nie zmaleje i będzie fajna atmosfera. :D
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    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    If they will see how many people are interested in playing FreeSO, they will get angry. They lost a big oportunity to gain money. :D
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    No sound and shutting down game. Exception problem.

    Ugh... I am surrender. :( Maybe another time.
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    FreeSO Sim Repeating Audio Bug

    Hahahaha xDDD It is perfect speed! :D Your sim is talented. xDD
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    No sound and shutting down game. Exception problem.

    I don't hear anything when I join to server. After one minute it shows something like this: I installed openal, then i deleted openal32.dll from The Sims Online folder.
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    PatrickJr's Playtest

    I am new. And as IP I writed It is still good? Or I am doing something wrong? I am stuck at 0%. :<
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    [LEGACY]How to join a server and install FreeSO

    It seems to working. Thanks! :D
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    [LEGACY]How to join a server and install FreeSO

    I did all with instructions and open FreeSO.exe. Then it shows a problem like this one (It is the same as at page 16). I am installed OpenAL, and I still have the same problem. I don't know if it is normal, but if I choose installation of OpenAl, it immediately shows that "Instalation is complete".
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    [LEGACY]How to join a server and install FreeSO

    But register or not? I installed all, but there was a registration to EA account or something.
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    [LEGACY]How to join a server and install FreeSO

    I have so much questions to instruction on first page. 1. I downloaded a file which downloaded files of the game. Then it starts installing. I must register or I should deny it? 2. File from point 4. - Where is this download button? I don't see anything like that. Please, help. :c