Search results

  1. Z

    FreeSO on Mac

    I don't have a mac anymore :(
  2. Z

    FreeSO on Mac

    I can tackle that with python. Give me a day or two and I should have at least a script, if not a launcher (think how getTSO is setup with options) to show to setup everything.
  3. Z

    FreeSO on Mac

    I hope I'm not crossing any lines with my modified tutorial / changed file, if I am, feel free to delete: is my quick and dirty youtube tutorial. I've never done a video tutorial (or video editing) before, so it's pretty crappy. I took @RHY3756547's tutorial and made a few...
  4. Z

    FreeSO on Linux!

    Use the Discord app on Linux too? Want your Discord friends to see what FreeSO lot you're at without having to launch the game? Download from Discord's GitHub, unzip the file and paste discord-rpc/linux-dynamic/lib/ into the FreeSO folder, and your discord...
  5. Z

    FreeSO on Mac

    I wrote an application to easily launch FreeSO from your dock or Applications folder with a double click, waiting on a reply from Rhys to know if I can upload it here because it requires minor changes to the instructions. edit: testing a fix for needing to relaunch freeso.command if there's an...
  6. Z

    FreeSO on Mac

    Just did this for a friend of mine and myself, works great. She has a MacBook Pro (dunno which one), I have a Hackintosh Desktop with a GTX 770. I'd be willing to make a youtube video of how to do this. it's not very hard. my friend could have done it herself had she known she had to right click...
  7. Z

    Looking from old friends from either Alphaville or Blazing Falls

    I'm hoping to find a husband/wife group I used to spend a lot of time talking with, and one other person. The Husband / Wife group was Moana (I think, or something close) and Focker. I remember the fight he had with EA because of that name, but he got to keep it. I'm not totally sure what city...