Well-Known Member
The custom content was unintentional during this Beta and was not meant to be included in the first place. It was not converted to ensure it worked with FreeSO properly and was causing issues for some people.
Technically you still have your counters, you just might not be able to access them because they don't show in your inventory catalog.
If you have stuff in your inventory you can try placing it on your lot to reveal your counters, BUT you may run into some problems, depending on what you've got in your inventory.
If everything you have in inventory (both seen and unseen) can be placed on the floor then you will be fine. But if you have anything that requires a wall or must be placed on a surface then the game may have problems figuring out how to empty your inventory.
If your inventory IS being wonky submit a ticket at freeso.net and Maria will contact you and help you out. (You wot end up with the counters though. They would rather phase the CC out of beta)
As you place everything from your inventory weird things may happen such as you choose a chair to place and it looks like it is gonna place that chair but SURPRISE it is one of your counters that actually shows.
Once you have the stuff out of your inventory you can keep it on your lot (sorta risky) or sell it and get some cash back.
Technically you still have your counters, you just might not be able to access them because they don't show in your inventory catalog.
If you have stuff in your inventory you can try placing it on your lot to reveal your counters, BUT you may run into some problems, depending on what you've got in your inventory.
If everything you have in inventory (both seen and unseen) can be placed on the floor then you will be fine. But if you have anything that requires a wall or must be placed on a surface then the game may have problems figuring out how to empty your inventory.
If your inventory IS being wonky submit a ticket at freeso.net and Maria will contact you and help you out. (You wot end up with the counters though. They would rather phase the CC out of beta)
As you place everything from your inventory weird things may happen such as you choose a chair to place and it looks like it is gonna place that chair but SURPRISE it is one of your counters that actually shows.