[ARCHIVE] Road to Live Release

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I absolutely love your interior design, that chair facing the wall gives it such a awesome accent.
That's exterior design.
Amazing work, can't wait to see the end product, is there a list of things to show whats new in this version by any chance once the global server is up and running? Would love to know what is different to the old TSO and what new exciting plans are being put in place?
Full details on changes will be available when they're relevant.
Skills, Skill locks and Job Titles now working via the TSO data service, with updated UI in FreeSO:
Working on sync of Skill Locks. After that, need to make sync work while connected to a SimAntics VM. (skill lock requests are routed through vm, we get up to date skill and relationship data from VM)

Relationship Data Service working with real TSO
Useful for figuring out how the relationship web should work in FreeSO.

So much progress made, excellent RHY, curious with the jobs will you be able to make more in the future from the official jobs in the game? even add a situation where you actually go to the job and do the work there so you can communicate with other sims during working hours etc or is that not possible?
Jobs in The Sims Online were strictly playable multiplayer minigames. See: https://archive.org/details/EALand_WorkAsWaiter

Only the robot job works correctly in our SimAntics implementation. Somethng weird happens to the NPC servers/customers when you try the waiter job, and Nightclub requires special plugins.
Ah right I never played EA Land, I only played old TSO, is that something that you are able to fix for the global release?
I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!! Thank you sooo much for working on this! Where can I donate coffee money? You guys are amazing for doing this and I need you to stay awake until you finish it's pretty much the only way I can help... ;)
In this video I show the online jobs matchmaker working on the global server. I also manage to confuse myself by playing two robot factories at the same time...

Job experience, status etc are all carried into the database correctly. I've disabled consuming the parts in this video because I was low motives, but that works too. The correct job lot is chosen based on the type and grade of the sim asking the server to match them into a job lot.

It will also be possible to join people in job lots manually, as they are given a temporary presence on the city server.
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