Try again, this issue happens sometimes and it gets fixed after a server restart.I was logging back in, it froze at 29% and got this error. After retrying to log in as my first character several times and it not working, I made another one to see if I would still have the error and I didn't. So is my first character just doomed, or is there a way to fix it? Thank you! View attachment 2214
Having this same issue. When I made a new character game was working fine and then that character got the issue too and was actually deleted. I don't mind about the second character because I was just using it to test out if the bug only affected my first character, but i'd like to be able to resolve the issue and play on my first character.I was logging back in, it froze at 29% and got this error. After retrying to log in as my first character several times and it not working, I made another one to see if I would still have the error and I didn't. So is my first character just doomed, or is there a way to fix it? Thank you! View attachment 2214