Constant Lightning Problem


Hello. Recently for some reason I got problems with lighting in FreeSO. Everything is dark despite is 10:00 am. This happens only on my laptop with Intel HD Graphics 4000. Any ideas? Here's screenshot of this problem:
2016-01-27 (1).png
I think it's if the lot takes too long to road - but I've had it happen randomly on the empty lot which loads in less than half a second...

I think it's a monogame issue - I'm just still not sure why it happens.
Lightning finally fixed. Prevously I used a temp. workaround. I tried to connect to any server, waiting for error dialog to appear and then loading my lot with working lightning.
Definitely? I wasn't sure because the fix involved adding two references to the variable to convince it to copy the changes.

If anyone else experiences this problem from now on, please tell me immediately!