Could you add support for Gtx 1070 graphics cards


New Member
Hi, first off thank you so much for bringing this game back, the work is amazing and the extra changes you have added are awesome. The work you have done has paid off, I cant wait to see this game back to the good old days as id say its so close to :) Anyways could you please add support for this graphics card as I get major sticking from time to time and every time I launch the game I have to change the settings because it throws me back to low settings. Thank you so much again :)
Could you be more specific and detailed as to what issues you have running FreeSO with a GTX 1070 graphics card? It should work fine with FreeSO, make sure that your screen resolution is right and that your GPU in Device manager is not disabled. If you disable your Intel HD Graphics in Device manager, the NVIDIA GPU will always be used by every application that you launch.

So to summarise, if you are using a laptop or a desktop and have enabled integrated graphics, disable the integrated graphics or make your NVIDIA GPU be set to default when you open any application.

If you don't want to disable your integrated GPU then you can set your NVIDIA GPU as default in the NVIDIA Control Panel (right click on your desktop).
Tutorial here:
I get sticking, graphics are full GTX. Does not always happen, since this latest reboot things look fine though. Think its a server thing which will be fixed over time when thousands come back and the servers are expanded. I have a server on Ark and know how crap servers can be handling people on it, totally think its a server thing now, I've had a few crashes but a few people have but this game will have bugs due to it being highly worked on which I expect bugs. I can totally live with it I just thought maybe the graphics card was not added in support, glad it is :)
Do you mean rubber-banding? (Hopping from one place to another and not being able to get anywhere) Or do you mean stuttering? Stuttering is normal since it is the server being slow but rubber-banding is connection issues to the server.

Anyway at least if you can play FreeSO and if you are happy with your experience. :D
Both, more stuttering but its all liveable since the game is back and worth it :) I do think its a server issue, but so far yesterday and so far today the game has been a little more stable.
If you're in 3D mode "major sticking" is to be expected, since it is generating the meshes for the objects in real-time. This will alleviate the more you play. Don't close the game while this is happening.