FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

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Is it online all day or...? :eek: I am now curious
To answer your question,
FreeSaturdaysOnline is a playtest where I'm available a majority of the day. I take requests from 9:30/10:00 a.m. and times when I stop taking requests can vary, depending on my schedule. The reason for FreeSaturdaysOnline is for people in time zones that can't get on the server, may now have a chance to play. Due to the larger amount of time I'm taking requests in. That being said, I'll either wait for a request to open my server, or just open it myself, when a large amount of people are online on the FreeSO forums.
I should probably post this information on the INFO page of my thread. :p (It's the first post on this thread.)
Ugh that stupid Windows update won't let me play The Sims 1 :(
It works just fine for me, :eek: :p
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