Game optimization


New Member
Ok, so I'm extremely poor and cant aford a hi-end computer(or even original games). My pc is relly old and it cant run the game properly since it has a intel chipset not a actual nvidea gpu. I want to know, is the game going to be optmised so old computers can run it, like the same computer i used back in ts1 and 2 days(i sad my pc was old[at least it could install win 7, but not 8 nor 10])?
Very likely not, that would require using an entirely different base engine, since Monogame requires OpenGL 3.0 + some key extensions, or DirectX11 back compat support.
Very likely not, that would require using an entirely different base engine, since Monogame requires OpenGL 3.0 + some key extensions, or DirectX11 back compat support.

Ok, so i ran the opengl viewer thing and aperently my pc is capable of the very one version of open gl before 3.0, open gl 2.1. Then on the direct x part it says it suports dx9 and 10.0, but i did not see anything about dx11. So as i'm seeing my pc is a click away from runing the game(proprerly, since it can run on software grafics but that is far from optmized and i belive it will never be). So i belive all i can do is wait until a older open gl suport or dx 9 or 10 suport, or even maybe wait until i get money to buy new pc but i dont think i will soon ...
Updating your graphics drivers is the best thing that you can do (and probably the most besides forcing the game to use a wrapper, which is very unstable) in order to get the game working properly....
Otherwise upgrade your computer (laptops are more difficult to upgrade) or buy a new computer.
Graphics drivers are up to date(since it was discontinued in 2011:eek:) and too poor to buy new hardware:(. How do you use a wraper?
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You don't need to know, they are a bit technical in how they work (I don't fully understand either) but there is no real point in trying to get the game to work on older hardware since it will be really slow. It won't make it better, it is like putting on a band-aid on a bigger issue.

If you really must then,
you can download: dgVooDoo2 :
Or WineD3D :
1. To install the first wrapper, you need to extract the files from the .zip file.
2. Get all of the .DLL's from the 'MS' folder into the root directory of the FreeSO installation for e.g. "C:\Program Files\Maxis\FreeSO"
3. Run the .exe file and click the "./" button to make the application find FreeSO's directory.
The WineD3D wrapper does not need anything special done besides the selection of the right dl's (just read the text file called README or something)

Like what Rhys said, making the game run with older versions of OpenGL will basically make the game explode and crash and burn and everything else in-between. :eek:
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Did not work. Now I understand why the game has to be like this, becouse he has to target newer pcs, since the original tso or even ts1 may or may not work on some newer machines becouse its too old (on mine it does couse my pc is from that era). Dont think he realy has to make this game acecible too older machines since normaly people could just go out and buy a new one.
The games system requirements are fair for the state that technology is at right now. The reason why they might be considered high is because compared to TSO or TS1 they are outrageously higher which to some is too high.(TSO and TS1 can run on Windows 95 or something crazy like that) The entire game has been recreated and there is no need to go backwards, even laptops with a primitive Intel HD graphics card can handle it. You can even find old computers at the tip (disposal facility, landfill intervention) that can run FreeSO.
And since the game has been remade completely, the engine remaking it without directly copying & modifying the code (EA is the only one that has it anyway and all you can do is reverse-engineer) is basically the best way to go with adding new features etc.

Rhys can expand upon it, but I find no reason to answer any more questions about this since the requirements in my perspective are fair enough if you are looking to play a completely re-implemented game.

(2010 was the last time that Intel's Integrated Graphics Cards had OpenGL 2.1 support, after that it went to 3.0: Source Wikipedia :eek:)
Dedicated graphics cards have supported OpenGL 3.0 for a long time now, even longer than Intel has because they were a bit slow with coming out with new chips, etc.
Final Sentence: If FreeSO only required OpenGL 2.1 to run then it would increase the amount of devices that can run it by a considerable amount, even Minecraft (Java Edition) only requires OpenGL 2.1 at the minimum. The OpenGL 3.0 standard was released around 2008 which quickly fazed out the previous 2.1 version (released 2006). If you want a good option: Even a dedicated graphics card in a old desktop machine ($33 USD card would be overkill which you can buy still; entry-level gaming) would bring more compatibility with OpenGL than an old laptop can. (inexpensive nowadays)
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Yes the requirements are realy fare for today standards since, you know, cod ww2 exists:p(i wold see what would hapen if i try to run it in my pc, probably it would explode:confused:). Well, the most beautiful thing i ran here was wow in the minalmal of the minimal settings(and it was still slow and painful), no game above it (not even ts3). Guess i will remain an old scholer after all and maybe one day when my family or even myself have more money i get to modern gaming
Hey its been a while. So, I finaly have a new PC, and I can run in 3d, open gl at fluid frames. Thanks nvidia 4 GB card!!!!!