How to: Fullscreen


Well-Known Member
Many people are questioning how to get into fullscreen mode. Therefore I have typed up a quick tutorial.
There is another way to achieve a full screen application, however I will be showing you the freeso.exe.config method of doing so.
First, go to FreeSO.exe.config (Most Likely in TSOClient!) and open it with notepad. Make sure you're not in FreeSO.exe. Once FreeSO is closed, find the following lines:
< setting name="GraphicsWidth" serializeAs="String">
< value>1024</value> <--edit this (optional)
< /setting>
< setting name="GraphicsHeight" serializeAs="String">
< value>768</value> <--edit this (optional)
< /setting>
No need to change them, but you can if you want. Those lines are your Screen Resolution. Next find these lines:
<setting name="Windowed" serializeAs="String">
< value>True</value>
< /setting>
Change the Value from True to False.
Post back if you have questions.
Changing the window width and height beyond 1024x768 and below 800x600 is generally a bad idea and you should keep resolutions at 4:3 to avoid distortion and UI problems.
Yeah that's a problem too. The avatars rescaling won't be fixed until I implement sim -> render target rendering everywhere, so it's part of a larger concern.
Yeah that's a problem too. The avatars rescaling won't be fixed until I implement sim -> render target rendering everywhere, so it's part of a larger concern.
The Sim faces are still bugging, like in CAS or ingame when you want to click go here for an example, its like the inside ,left and right side of the head you can look through it
Yeah that's a problem too. The avatars rescaling won't be fixed until I implement sim -> render target rendering everywhere, so it's part of a larger concern.
Are the UIs going to be stretched or kept the same and a huge border being put around them?
The Sim faces are still bugging, like in CAS or ingame when you want to click go here for an example, its like the inside ,left and right side of the head you can look through it
That's part of what I was talking about, and it's so obvious that anyone could have noticed after clicking once in a lot...
Are the UIs going to be stretched or kept the same and a huge border being put around them?
Probably the border. Stretching everything is a terrible idea in all cases where you're not dealing with vector graphics.
As an alternative, newer Blue Rose builds (25595 or above) allow you to adjust resolution, fullscreen or window (f and w, respectively) without using the config. Use the same syntax as you would use for shortcuts. Once you play the game, the settings are saved.
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My game is very, very screwed up. I applied the changes from this thread and my UI is messed up and won't revert back, even when replacing all files with the latest Dist.