How to make TS2 load faster?

It's not about having a better computer. Pretty sure any computer can run Sims 2 no problem. My theory is, while it was designed to be capable for custom content, it didn't have the foreshadow of what the users would do with the new engine.
Sims 2 is one of my favorites, but I also feel that are so bad the loading screens .
My computer is good and also have no CC
You could try using Game Booster 3 or get rid of useless processes and that includes explorer.exe
Lets not and say we did.
Your point is?
I mean, I always use it when playing The Sims 2 or 3 and it works like a charm. Loads faster, boosts my performance by ~40% (know it's not a lot but it's something).
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Well, it's the only way of interacting with your system, in the case of Windows. XD
Like I said. Game Booster 3 can do it. And it's just while you're playing The Sims. Once you close ofcourse you would open explorer.exe again.

It's a matter of preference, explorer.exe makes my game a lot laggier not to mention choppy.

It's just a suggestion though, up to him to decide.
And opinion, and if you're computer is from early 2000s. Yes, I get performance but not to the point killing the shell. XD
The shell can be open again, so it doesn't really matter.
And my PC is from 2010. But my processor is crappy so I need Game Booster.

That was just a suggestion though. I don't care if he uses it or not.

Game Booster is snake oil lol
Not really. It boosts my FPS on some other game and it works wonders. Atleast for me.
Isn't it that simply TS2 at this point has so many expansion packs and other stuff on top of it, loading all that stuff simply takes lots of time? I have Ivy Bridge-based laptop and waiting for it to load was a pain for me too, really. I haven't really tried running it from SSD though since it's kinda small (60GB) and the only thing that fits there is the OS, really (taking basically half of the space in there).