Its not working...

Did it work on the first try by some?
It did for me, but after trying it one another laptop it refused to work.
Reinstalling Windows fixed all the issues!
But you need to be able to do that.
Make sure to make a backup if you do!
[First tried it on a Lenovo T420 worked fine, then tried it another Lenovo T420 and it refused to work. Reinstalled Windows 10 Pro, and it worked on both of them!]
FreeSO looks for TSO files based on a registry entry that you already found. Reinstalling Windows would be very unnecessary. @Skyzocker tell me the exact path to TSOClient. This will be a similar path to the one you chose while installing TSO.
C:\Program Files\FreeSO but when I choose that without the second FreeSO then stands there is no FreeSO.exe in it
Ok I think understand where your issue is coming from, correct me if I'm wrong.
In SLEEK-Launcher, the path must be the exact path to FreeSO.exe WITHOUT FreeSO.exe included in the path.
  • Example: If FreeSO.exe is here: C:\Program Files\FreeSO\FreeSO\FreeSO.exe, the path in SLEEK- Launcher is: C:\Program Files\FreeSO\FreeSO.
However, make sure in the Windows Registry Editor the path leads directly to the TSOClient folder!
  • Example: If TSOClient is here: C:\Program Files\FreeSO\The Sims Online\TSOClient, in the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Maxis\The Sims Online, in the string value InstallDir, is that exact path.
The picture that you showed me before shows C:\programs\FreeSO in the registry.
Here is a picture for reference.
Did it work on the first try by some?
It worked for me first try (manually installing everything o_O) when following the instructions. Whereas using the official installer I did have some problems, like when it SLEEK wanted to be placed in a FreeSO folder in Program Files instead when I had the installation path at C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims Online\

Edit: This was made after JDrocks replied. JDrocks' reply is right about the SLEEK installation folder because the SLEEK launcher should be placed in the TSOClient folder along with the correctly corresponding registry entries.
I had made that mistake as well........:eek:
I had some issues like this and then I discovered that instead of going directly into the packing slips folder, my zip program had created another folder inside of it. So I had to just open it up and copy it all directly into the original folder and delete the extra. Not sure if it's related but maybe that will help someone.
You need to have more content in your TSOClient folder.... along with your packingslips, they are looking rather empty. I would recommend a full reinstall of FreeSO.
Edit: Right now you have no FreeSO.exe in your packingslips folder and hardly anything in your TSOClient folder as well. It seems right now that you don't have a game installation at all.
Last edited:
I installed OPEN AL 3 times
Hmm. I'm sorry then. I don't know what's wrong. The only time I had an issue was when I missed the note to install Open AL, the game worked fine after that. Hopefully you can figure it out. Maybe start from scratch?
There should be no "TSOClient" in InstallDir path. See a dump from my registry below.

Put this in a text file, save as .reg, double-click (or just make the adjustments manually):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"InstallDir"="C:\\Program Files\\FreeSO\\The Sims Online"
There should be no "TSOClient" in InstallDir path. See a dump from my registry below.

Put this in a text file, save as .reg, double-click (or just make the adjustments manually):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"InstallDir"="C:\\Program Files\\FreeSO\\The Sims Online"
thank you now it works wow.
Thank you all guys for Support!
You guys are the best! Thanks :)
I couldn't tell you exactly what worked, I just went around moving and renaming things and then it worked. Haha!