Login Error: INV-110 The member name or password...


New Member
Hello, and thank you for reading my message! :)

Im new here at the forums and when I try to login I get this error:

INV-110;The member name or password you have entered is incorrect. Please try again

Am I doing something wrong here? Im using windows 10

My system specs!

Case Asus TA-k 5
I5 3570 (Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO)
MSI GeForce GTX960 Armor 2x Thermal Design
Asus Motherboard
2 x 4GB Ram 133 3hz Kingston (8GB total)
Corsair VS550

zxxczx.png http://imgur.com/Skkfzna

Once again thank you for your time :)

The account sign in is caps sensitive so that may be the problem

If you have any more questions about your FreeSO.net account, your best bet is to submit a ticket at FreeSO Support.
(you can also reach this by going to FreeSO.net and choosing the FreeSO Support link)

This section of the board is actually for another program of Rhys' (called Volcanic) so you are sure to get better responses at that above link.
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Um, I need help with this... No tab showing, I type my password, When I create a avatar it tells me to choose a city but I can't see it
its really annoying when you've registered and can't log in to the game. I was close, i got to create a sim page then i had to go do some other things so i closed it down and now i can't login. This is ridiculous!
having the same issue! I created an account on the freeso site before downloading, and on here, neither account will log in..
I have been able to play all week, and Today I cannot seem to loggin, its giving me the INV-110 error saying my info is not correct when it is,
anyone have any suggestions I may have over looked?
Add me to the list of those of you that can not log on......INV-110;The member name or password you have entered is incorrect. Please try again. So annoying I can't skill or make money if I can't log on you guys need to compensate us when we are able to play again