Lot search not working?


New Member
Hey Simmers,

I'm having trouble with the Lot Search. Essentially, I'll type something in and nothing will happen. I've tried both string search and wildcard but nothing happens. Does it work for everyone else?
For example, I'll type in 'abracadabra' or 'charisma' and hit enter and just.... nothing.

Am I using this feature incorrectly, or is it malfunctioning? Makes it hard when I need to try find a specific lot I'm after

Coocoosim/ Danny D
Hiya Danny D!

For wildcard (partial name) searches you need to click hit the triple star button.

Typing in charisma and hitting the single star will only show a lot if there is one that is an exact match: charisma

If you type it in and hit enter a out of habit like I KEPT doing LOL the you need to restart the game to clear it. (Or if there's another way to clear it then I never found it.)

Also for Abracadabra, if you get desperate you can zoom in on the the pond to the farthest east. Abra's quite near that (kinda east-south-east). Or, since you bookmarked me (Raven), you can pull my profile up and find my house. I'm up the road bit. That's where all the cool kids live ;)

One of the pluses of getting to know a lot's location on the map is you can see it blinking on the map that shows here at the forum and tell if your favorite skill house or dive bar is open :D
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Thanks for your help Raven!! You're the best :)

Yes I've pretty much memorised where Abra is now after the search bar not working hahaha. But definitely still need to get it working for other instances. I'll give it a go tomorrow, it might be that I was hitting the single star first (with a word that was too broad like charisma) and then hitting the triple star when nothing was happening- may have caused a little glitch in the system? Hopefully it's something like that!
Hope to see you in game soon, ya cool kid ;)
Apologies for being abrupt. I'm just aware that the only thing that can cause search to completely fail is pressing the enter button, which people do out of instinct.