My/Stack Object's List


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much, Rhys, for the explanation!

basic rules:
Reading from My List:

0 - Front (access element at 0),
1 - Back (access element at end),
2 - Count (return number of items in the list),
3 - List[temp 0] (access element at index temp0)
mode 3 added for FreeSO
Push Expression:
LHS: (My List or Stack Object List)

0 - Front (add value as new first),
1 - Back (add value at end), RHS: value
Pop Expression:
LHS: Variable to Set
RHS: (My List or Stack Object List)

0 - Front (set LHS to first item and remove it),
1 - Back (set LHS to last item and remove it)
the numbers for the front and back stuff are the data value for the scope

Operator ID 18 PUSH
If LHS is either My List or Stack Object's List, push the value from the RHS onto the position specified by the data field.

Operator ID 19 POP
If RHS is either My List or Stack Object's List, pop the value from the RHS list at the position specified and store it in the LHS.

These only work if the operation is performed on a list!