Relationship Web - Tag + Grind Methods(Thoughts on them and their importance)

When TSO first launched it had a relationship web system where you would "tag" someone by instantly clicking them making them an enemy.
This system was heavily favorited by Mafia families because it made the city a battleground.
Although I heavily enjoy this system I see why Maxis changed the system to where the player had to grind to be an enemy/friend.
I would like to suggest a hybrid between both of these options.. to where when you first create a character it's either set to Tag or Grind.. and then the player has an option to switch between the two but only once every couple of days to a week.
Playing the Sim Mafia life was thrilling to me and I really want the original tagging system back..
and I know a lot of former TSO players that would be turned off if they couldn't relive their Mafia badassery.
I think this would be a nice way to balance the system, anyone have any other thoughts or suggestions?
Wouldn't this allow someone who's just being a jerk (as opposed to roleplaying) to bug people who are not interested in engaging that way?

Perhaps a feud system would be better. Someone would have to join a feuding family/alliance/guild/gang/league/what-have-you and then everyone in the rival family (specifically declared an enemy, not just every other Alliance out there) would start out as an enemy. Any individuals wishing to 'Romeo and Juliet' it would then have to grind their relationship up to and through neutral to become best buds.
This is why I offer a hybrid system. Say the grind system is the default, you would have to enable tagging and only those who have tagging enabled will be able to participate. Adding a time limit of when this system can be switched is meant to commit that person to it.
Fair enough. Plus my suggestion of adding factions to the game would be a huge addition, I imagine, and unless they are useful for the mayor/politics idea that was suggested elsewhere perhaps not benefit enough people to be worth the work.