So, uh... who needs help?


New Member

I'm Damondamore you might know me if you're involved in the sims 1 comuinity as the world's slowest object hacker-- sorry about that I have a day job then I staff a convention and then I hack sims objects.

I've worn many hats and as well as still actively hacking for sims 1 I an good with photoshop write music and speak German as my second language (not always amazingly well but even the Germans avoid the Dative case.)

A lot of what I learned about the sims 1 objects is based on trial-and-error and looking at Maxis objects, learning the Maxis objects don't always work the best and then sighing loudly enough that I think Maxis can hear me all the way on the other side of the country. I'm more than happy to pitch in a lot of places, just let me know.
Hey, glad to see you here!
Unfortunately, things aren't going to be going in many directions till I can get my 50 page dissertation out of the way... @Cytlan is currently working on decoding the TS1 lot format, which could be useful for a TS1 port of our engine, perhaps you could share some insight there?
I totally understand that!
I can possibly answer specific questions or help him throw hex values at the file and see what sticks. Most of what I know about lots is what (surprisingly!) isn't in the lot file. I see there's a thread so I'll pop over to that.
I totally understand that!
I can possibly answer specific questions or help him throw hex values at the file and see what sticks. Most of what I know about lots is what (surprisingly!) isn't in the lot file. I see there's a thread so I'll pop over to that.
Youre welcome over here, any help is apretiated.