The Service™ Express (cancelled)


Well-Known Member
The Service™ is as the name describes, a service lot. Service lots in TSO are meant for greening, relaxing, and crafting. I consider it "Express" since it's small and lacks additional entertainment objects that would allow for longer stays. I'll be releasing in a few hours since I gotta fix a few self-hosted mirrors, add and fix few things in the lot.


Nice work. There was a great place for an elevator but you've put a door there so nevermind. :D I just had this weird idea that once roommate and permission bits are up, you (as an owner) could want to have some private space on the 2nd floor.
Well designed good work, but if it is for relax and "express" , why you will need beds?? if it is community lot, there should be bathroom for each sex..
Well designed good work, but if it is for relax and "express" , why you will need beds?? if it is community lot, there should be bathroom for each sex..
Community lots in TSO act differently then they do in TS1.
  • Community lots is a relative term in TSO. It's only community to person visiting the lot. To the owner, it's their home.
  • Beds can be used by both visitors and roommates alike, at home or community lots. Restrictions are made by owner but it'd be bad practice to restrict beds to staff since you'll eventually need to sleep.
  • Express is not just marketing. 24 hours in TSO is 120 minutes. Since this lot can only fit three players to sleep at anyone one time, visitors are likely to stay for 120 to 240 minutes (two TSO days) or less. Larger lots with bigger bed rooms will likely have visitors staying for longer in-game hours.
  • There's no point in having separate sexed bathrooms since you'll be censored, regardless, and it's easy to peek in someone.
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An hour is 5 minutes in TSO. It's also worth noting that there were no community lots, not that that was the greatest idea.
Do you think that something like community lots will be added to FreeSO? (Not talking about House lots that people visit or Job lots.)
Yes, that was the original limitation.
Do you think it would be possible to up that limit? I wouldn't say infinite amount of owned lots or anything, (unless you want to make it infinite.) but just anything more than 1 owned lot because then people can own a "Home lot" and another lot type of their choosing. That would make the FreeSO world be more lively, and make the world look less empty.
(Just throwing out an idea. ;))