This is an amazing project


New Member
I just want to thank everybody who works to bring dead games back from the grave. I first heard of FreeSo on Tuesday's MonotoneTim stream, and I was skeptical that it would actually work. I'm surprised at how stable this game really is, and while I'm disappointed that I can't find the stripper cake from House Party, I never could imagined that such a endeavor was even possible.

How does the current build compare to the original EA release? Are there major features that have not been implemented in FreeSO?
I just want to thank everybody who works to bring dead games back from the grave. I first heard of FreeSo on Tuesday's MonotoneTim stream, and I was skeptical that it would actually work. I'm surprised at how stable this game really is, and while I'm disappointed that I can't find the stripper cake from House Party, I never could imagined that such a endeavor was even possible.

How does the current build compare to the original EA release? Are there major features that have not been implemented in FreeSO?
This thread should answer you're question about builds. :D
Not really - the question was about the differences between TSO and FreeSO right now, not between TSO versions.

Righr now the main missing gameplay element is the MMO central server, and the challenge of making money, gaining skills, advancing your career and building your own lot on a budget. There are also various TSO specific objects not complete, such as the sign object to display arbitrary text, group job objects, costume trunks and UI minigames

I saw Monotone Tim playing the game in a VOD, looks like they had fun with the current testing mode!