[TIFU? PSA?] I killed off ZeroNet


Well-Known Member
Alright; a bit of backstory:
Back in March, I created a search engine for ZeroNet dubbed "Bwoi". It went through two revisions, one which used poorly-written code and eventually turned out to be a big mess, and another "improved" version which was clean and easy to use.
...Or so I thought.

Back in April, when I published the "final" code for Rev.2, I didn't notice one critical bug which was still left in the code that I hadn't fixed; pages did not correctly display and the number was always completely wrong. I could have fixed it quite quickly, but it would have required a large code change and I couldn't be bothered to do it - I left it until later - and forgot all about it. When I published the change, I noticed a sudden - but slow - decrease in peers connecting to Bwoi. What was wrong? Why were they all leaving!? Was one of my results wrong? I went to check, and that's when I noticed the bug.
I decided to leave the rest of the work to Kaffiene, and shortly after discovering the bug I shut down the Bwoi project. The site is still up to this very day (albeit with 0 peers), but there's really no point in using it. The index is likely very outdated which means that half of the websites either don't work or aren't even there anymore.
I didn't notice at the time, but Bwoi was actually bringing in a lot of people (~1500 peers avg.) to the whole of ZeroNet. I never really noticed because I didn't really care - I just thought it was a coincidence and that I was just getting a lot of traffic because multiple servers were permanently hosting it (~15) so that if anything went wrong, they could be relied upon for an immediate backup. Well, I just looked at the peer count, and there have only been around 150-200 peers every time I looked.


TL;DR: I didn't notice that I was giving ZeroNet huge bonuses by creating a search engine, and now that I don't update it anymore nobody uses ZeroNet.

EDIT: Just checked back on Bwoi, got 8 connected peers. Still follows the aforementioned pattern of "less bwoi users, less zeronet users"
You can see from the posts there, some include the peers which you can see went up significantly. I actually think that Bwoi might have been the cause of ZeroNet's huge expansion, since the index was updated 1+ times a day meaning that new sites were easily put up there. The funny thing is that Kaffiene (a big rival of mine) actually attempted to copy my Google-esque style, subsequently making me release the improved Bwoi 2.0 - with a separate screen for search results, something never seen before on ZeroNet.
You can see from the posts there, some include the peers which you can see went up significantly. I actually think that Bwoi might have been the cause of ZeroNet's huge expansion, since the index was updated 1+ times a day meaning that new sites were easily put up there. The funny thing is that Kaffiene (a big rival of mine) actually attempted to copy my Google-esque style, subsequently making me release the improved Bwoi 2.0 - with a separate screen for search results, something never seen before on ZeroNet.
Nice !!
I read this and I was wondering for the first thirty minutes how you could have possibly killed off NetZero, because I'm a moron.