Version 0.1.11

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Assuming the new version is up:
Your UCP seems to be broken (zoom buttons not reacting correctly). Does the options pane show at all?

If not:
Clicking again should zoom out. It will no longer do this after the most recent patch though!
RHY3756547 said:
Assuming the new version is up:
Your UCP seems to be broken (zoom buttons not reacting correctly). Does the options pane show at all?

If not:
Clicking again should zoom out. It will no longer do this after the most recent patch though!

What im doing is updating every time i get into the game using project dollhouse bootstrap and patch. Is this wrong???
OK, I think the options patch hasn't been compiled and pushed out yet. I don't have control over that at the moment, unfortunately.
Can someone tell me in what order I have to install which update, because I have just reinstalled TSO and installed the first update which adds the PDBootstrap and other things but if clicking on PDBootstrap it tells me that no Maxis manifests have been found and then updates but then crashes and also if trying to start PDClient it says PDClient stopped working, so what can I do now to make it work?
Restarted it now.
Keeps crashing when people create new characters.
I think it is because the client doesn't have the correct version of GonzoNet, but I haven't determined it yet.
I'm looking into it as soon as I have time.
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