Want to know if city server is up?

Oops, it's a little broken on mobile. I'll be able to tweak it later.
City is down, but the web server is still up? Very unusual.
Nope, city server is still running, but has apparently been disconnected by the login server.
But the login server never reported doing so!!
So it must mean that the CLR cleaned up the socket cos it was going stale, or something.
I really need to investigate keepalive options.
Seems the latest changes to the city server borked the web server part. :|
I will fix this when I have time. Right now I have a mid-term essay to write and an interview.
Seems the latest changes to the city server borked the web server part. :|
I will fix this when I have time. Right now I have a mid-term essay to write and an interview.

I wish you luck as well.. Real life aways comes first.