Recent content by AquilaSim

  1. AquilaSim

    Ban Appeal

    Contact me on the discord @Veliocasse
  2. AquilaSim

    Suddenly making significantly less per jam than I did a day or two ago?

    It is normal and due to the dynamic money payout. If you take a look at the newspaper, you can check which money objects are the most profitable today.
  3. AquilaSim

    24/7 Lot online / Windows Server

    There is no exception and you are NOT allowed to possess more than 1 account nor to use multiple sims at the same time either, that is clearly stated in our ToS.
  4. AquilaSim


    Money is not an appropriate nor a good gift though.
  5. AquilaSim

    Songs in Simlish

    Interresting but I dont think this thread belong on contribution as none of these songs are in tso/freeso, so it has been moved on Sims games.
  6. AquilaSim

    Spank button and Spank animation(please)

    As it has been said before, TSO/FreeSO(like any other sims games) is absolutely not that kind of game and will never be. Thread closed.
  7. AquilaSim

    TSO Custom skins?

    We honestly have other priorities atm, the addition of customized skins will eventually be something easier in future(just like for customized content/objects) so for now I think you will have to do with the original Maxis skins in game.
  8. AquilaSim

    Can they add Children Or smaller adults On FREESO?

    Then you don't understand what I've said, we refuse to add kids because they do NOT have their place in a MMO game, thread closed. @zero35 Not only their animations are missing but their meshes aswell and NO, it's not a good idea for the reasons I've already mentioned before.
  9. AquilaSim

    Can they add Children Or smaller adults On FREESO?

    Doubt you did actually read my post entirely... and i'm not going to repeat myself so read my previous post again.
  10. AquilaSim

    Can they add Children Or smaller adults On FREESO?

    It's not actually just a question of "too much coding" but a choice from us to not adding kids for ethical questions. We don't think kids or toddlers have their place in an MMO, especially like TSO which is mainly addressed to an adult public in the first place.
  11. AquilaSim

    About the creation of private Servers

    My question is, can an entire own server be created? The answer is no and it's indeed not recommended at all for the only and simple reason it's not needed as this game is still in development and beta phase, so we think dividing the community (which is small for now) with another server is...
  12. AquilaSim

    Email does not exist
  13. AquilaSim

    Please Help me to make a Local Server

    You can save the lot, you just need to press Ctrl+S and then name the save file, that's it. I still don't see the necessity to open your own cityserver especially if that's just for a bunch of friends so imo a lot-sandbox server is largely enough for you.
  14. AquilaSim

    Please Help me to make a Local Server

    Why do you not simply open a lot-sandbox-server ? We don't help people to open their own cityserver as we do not recommend it. Please also keep in mind the game is still in development and on a beta atm.
  15. AquilaSim

    How can I Recover my TSO login and password?

    Hello, someone already answered to your question before, you need to (re)create a account as our server isn't related to the original TSO server where you sim(s) was, which mean your old account isn't registered here on FreeSO. Also please note that this is a fan project, we're not working for EA.