Recent content by pyranthas

  1. pyranthas

    Come check out putt putt fun center number #1 in fun category we have mini golf, slots...

    Come check out putt putt fun center number #1 in fun category we have mini golf, slots, blackjack dice and much more!
  2. pyranthas

    Game Crashes After Recent Update

    Never mind delete this post fix the problem
  3. pyranthas

    guest cooking object

    Being able to cook for guest when the owner or roomates is away would be a great idea!
  4. pyranthas

    Game Update

    yes it works i just tested it
  5. pyranthas

    Game Update

    Once again....From Travis AKA Aries Nobody should even attempt to login. Even if the server goes up, it's because we are trying to test. You will crash it. Do not attempt to login until we clear you via #server-status
  6. pyranthas

    Good to see you outside the game Britney

    Good to see you outside the game Britney
  7. pyranthas

    Is FreeSO down?

    i posted another update i got from jessica cole about the servers its in the form but here a copy of it While the server is currently up for the moment, they are still highly testing and migrating. They are testing personal performance, data, backups, etc. Lot loading is extremely slow. It is...
  8. pyranthas

    Is FreeSO down?

    Raeven good to see you outside the game lol
  9. pyranthas

    Game Update

    Posting it from freeso community facebook page that where i'm getting the info. I will keep you updated on the game as i get them the admin must be very busy trying to get the servers back up and running just doing my part to help out those who don't have a facebook or are not in the freeso...
  10. pyranthas

    Game Update

    While the server is currently up for the moment, they are still highly testing and migrating. They are testing personal performance, data, backups, etc. Lot loading is extremely slow. It is highly likely it will go back down as they are tweaking things. Do NOT attempt to login or register for an...
  11. pyranthas

    FreeSO registration error please help??

    most likely the server did say they were up and running but they actually crash just crossing my fingers there get the servers back up and running tomorrow. Your just have to try again when the servers come back online.
  12. pyranthas

    Is FreeSO down?

    Hey rusty it's count olaf yes the servers are down here the recent statement i have got from tori sim hopefully there have it back up tomorrow cross our fingers...
  13. pyranthas

    Where can I find out if there are problems with the server at the moment?

    The site is down i try to go there to check the status of the server and they won't come up not sure what going on right now. The connection has timed out The server at is taking too long to respond. The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few...
  14. pyranthas

    Game Crashing When trying to start

    Also don't forget to run the game in admin mode that will most likely fix your problem!
  15. pyranthas

    Stuck at 17% when joining a lot.

    Yea the servers are really having a problem today they been up and down keep check for update on the servers there probably working on them trying to get them back up and running!