Recent content by Simhrique0990

  1. Simhrique0990

    [OBSOLETE] FreeSO Update Utility

    New Files,i updated the translation
  2. Simhrique0990

    [ARCHIVE] Final Checklist Discussion

    Well, i don't understand nothing. FB Group English of freeso,have saying "Re-Install the game with gs version" but... this version is not a build like others[Dist-xxx]? i don't want to download everything again. :(
  3. Simhrique0990

    Using Volcanic after Open Beta starts

    I Need know,too. i'm still translating this game.
  4. Simhrique0990

    The Sims Online Brasil

    Hue Hue BR
  5. Simhrique0990


    3000? OMG, i'm crying ;-; :(:(:(:(
  6. Simhrique0990

    Dia 6 de Janeiro,o Renascimento

    Dia 6 de Janeiro,o Renascimento
  7. Simhrique0990

    Introducing Sunrise Crater!

    Well.. the objects of the roommate is disabled if,he is offline? [because,i have a plan to build a lot for the brazilian community,and my friends is gonna to help]
  8. Simhrique0990

    Introducing Sunrise Crater!

    I Loved this area [But,he is not in the map :P ]
  9. Simhrique0990

    Portuguese[Brazilian] Translation

    UPDATE/VERIFICATION: UI FILES: COMPLETED STR.PIFF [INCLUDE OBJECT,AND INTERACTION FILES. ]: COMPLETED 406 Files of str.piff.. hard work Only Missing, [needs Panel] and walls/floor description.
  10. Simhrique0990

    Quanto Odio.. você alimenta meu ego. '-'

    Quanto Odio.. você alimenta meu ego. '-'
  11. Simhrique0990

    [ARCHIVE] Final Checklist Discussion

    @Junior Barboza 64 Jogadores,se eu não estou errado.
  12. Simhrique0990

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    I'm really surprised,with my community and spanish guys. if all this guys participate. is like 1000 Players. in the launch.
  13. Simhrique0990

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    OMG,THANKS RHYS. This Project without you. would never get here. You are the best.:D:D:D:D:D:D
  14. Simhrique0990

    [OBSOLETE] FreeSO Update Utility

    Please, put "Portuguese-BR". :) i'm working in the translation
  15. Simhrique0990 (Not 24/7)

    Amazing! [ I Don't say much english :confused: but,i have fun in this server ]