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  1. Raeven

    After update a few mins ago

    There are emoji suggestions in-game. when you type a colon : you'll see a drop down list. Part of today's fun is trying to figure out the best or most creative way to express yourself with the limited options you've been given. Anything that needs more delicate, precise, or serious language...
  2. Raeven

    I have a problem creating a new character

    Yep! Most houses are open to the public and offer free services so you wont actually require any cash to play but if you DO want to play your best bet is to find a $ lot where people are working on "solo job objects" and join them. Check the City News in the newspaper to see hich solo object is...
  3. Raeven

    After update a few mins ago

    The server is on UTC (Universal Time) ;)
  4. Raeven


    Very attractive exterior! What in the world is happening with that roof? Is there another floor above casting a shadow onto parts of it? Very pretty place. I'd love to see the inside.
  5. Raeven

    Building Places

    Hrm ... I don't think that is working (yet?)
  6. Raeven

    Building Places

    There isn't anything like that but when you start up FreeSO there is a 'Sandbox' button in your upper left corner. Click that, choose the empty lot from the list and build there. You can save what you are building with Ctrl+S and it'll be on the list for you the next time you go to Sandbox mode...
  7. Raeven

    Wiki Page
  8. Raeven

    Re-meshing 3D Objects in Blender for FreeSO/Simitone - Tips, Tutorials and Information

    This 4 part series is short and simple, but very thorough and is an excellent choice as an introduction to texture painting. The model it uses is a simple low poly mushroom that is easy to model, easy to UV Unwrap and easy to paint. The 4 videos total about 45 minutes. Modeling, Unwrapping...
  9. Raeven

    Volcanic IDE User Evaluation

    I KEEP losing the link to your paper so I'm popping it in here for m'self and any others. In addition to introducing Volcanic itself, the Primer for the SimAntics Enviornment section is fantastic and needs to be read by anyone interested in tinkering in The...
  10. Raeven

    *Sovled* Candle in The Refrigerator

    I'll come find you in-game :)
  11. Raeven

    *Sovled* Candle in The Refrigerator

    A mod has to come and delete the object. You wont be reimbursed for it, I'm afraid. What is your Sim's name (the one that lives at that lot)?
  12. Raeven

    Pet Sniff Bug?

    Yes. Unfortunately that isn't a bug so much as a rather annoying way pets were originally made. Perhaps it will be one of the object improvements in the future, though.
  13. Raeven

    Unable to play.

    I think that's the error some people get when they need to have headphones or speakers plugged in.
  14. Raeven

    Help, I want to remesh objects for TS1

    I've not tried SimiTone myself yet so I don't know if you need to use the online version for Volcanic, but the thread for joining a server and installing freeso is very old; It was started before FreeSO was on a global server. The online version now has Sandbox mode so you should install it...
  15. Raeven


    TSO Mania (a site you may remember from back inyour TSO days) has a chart on their Skills page stating the time each point takes. I am not sure if that chart is for ye old TSO or if Matt has updated it for FreeSO but it hsould serve as a rough guideline...
  16. Raeven


    What would/should everyone focus on instead?
  17. Raeven

    AFK while studying.

    There is not. Despite the impulse players have to do so, maxing many skills out straight away is not part of the game design. It would simply make no sense to *have* skills if everyone could max them all out and forget about them. (There would be no difference between that and skills not...
  18. Raeven

    I can’t find my christmas tree

    It was put into the inventory of the first Sim you logged into during the Christamas event
  19. Raeven

    quick note on STR#257 (slot labels)

    STR#257 slot labels is being used incorrectly by Volcanic and causes some confusion (when a person is reading the trees). The labels are (apparently) meant to correspond to each slot in the order they appear within the SLOT irregardless of type. Volcanic, however, pairs the slot up with a label...
  20. Raeven


    DEPRECATED These mirrors have been remeshed by Alessandro using a depth mask and custom textures Moderate Wall Mirror: Store wall mirror: not currently available; there is an issue with the depth mask...