Search results

  1. Alessandro Needs A Server

    3D Remeshing basics: Remeshing an object from scratch tutorial

    You are now going to learn how to remesh an object for FreeSO / Simitone. Remeshing is pretty easy, and these are the requirements in order to achieve a nice looking object: Basic knowledge of Blender (cycles render); Basic knowledge of Paint.NET / Photoshop (the use we're gonna make of them is...
  2. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Alessandro's Remeshing Corner

    All the remeshing work i make will be posted here. Here i will post only finished projects, with their OBJs and Textures.
  3. Alessandro Needs A Server

    The potential of NPCs - More to come!

    Stove NPC - Cooker: Piano NPC - Pianist: Keep lot open NPC - Lot Keeper: The pizza guy: NPC that are not related to just 1 object: - Waiters belong to this category:
  4. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Make JAMS Great again: jams improvement idea.

    AIM OF THE IDEA: We all know what jamming is a very popular activity in-game. Since it involves only just pointing and clicking, wouldn't it be cool if jamming actually gave you something? What could be added to make it more fun? IDEA ITSELF: The player should have the choice to decide to keep...
  5. Alessandro Needs A Server

    "Buy" interaction on objects for sale

    Why? Many players keep asking why they can't use an interactions to buy the items for sale and they end up lost. If you are not an original TSO player, it is hard to figure out the way to buy objects on retail. My idea: I think it would be great to have a simple "buy" interaction on objects for...
  6. Alessandro Needs A Server

    GOLD Lounge Club: looking for roomates!

    Hi! I'm Alessandro, also known as Hillary Benson, the name of my sim. I'm looking for roomies! I've just opened this wonderful club full of music and dance all night long! To do so, i need roomies to keep the lot alive when i'm not able to, and also giving some financial help if needed (mostly...
  7. Alessandro Needs A Server

    FreeSO Promo Render!

    Happy simming, FreeSOers :)
  8. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Create a server: Step-by-step guide! (outdated)

    Port-forward port 37564 (TCP); - Using UPnP Wizard that you can download here: - Click on add a new mapping as shown in the picture below: - Fill in as follows and Click OK: Enter your lot in-game; It will automatically start...
  9. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Happy new year! Render

    Happy new year to all the simmers and see you on FreeSO global server on January the 6th :)
  10. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Merry Christmas :)

    Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone! Thanks for being awesome :) Here's a little 3D render i worked on this holidays, hope you'll like it :D
  11. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Christmas Wreath - Made by me!

    HAPPY XMAS! Yes, i'm the christmas on november kind of person. And i'm here to show you my last creation! It's a very cute christmas wreath for your sims! Thanks to rhys for the ballz color suggestion :p It's made on Blender by me, a simple good amount of planes with a transparent texture...
  12. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Running for Mayor of a neighborhood;

    Hey y'all :) Yup, another concept :rolleyes: I was kind of inspired and also bored so i said to myself why not making a concept? I remember i saw somewhere that cities in TSO had neighborhoods which were basically areas with different names, but why not giving them mayors? Might be added might...
  13. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Sad Clown Burger Sign to Legit McDonald's one

    Hello again :) Got another little object i've done few weeks ago and forgot to share, it's pretty cute, not perfect, but pretty cute. Why two files? Cause one file is the object, the other one contains an edit to the strings. Where to place? Same place as always: C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims...
  14. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Leave Lot Payphone to Neighbourhood Pay Phone

    Hey yall! Did this object for a project i'm making, but i thought someone could appreciate to replace the default phone with this one, so enjoy :) DOWNLOAD
  15. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Adverts for beginners to make money faster?

    The concept: Hello y'all! After the apartment concept that you can find here, i decided i would have made another concept about making money but i had no ideas.. after a while i saw someone asking how much money new players will start with, and the answer was 0! So how to make money faster...
  16. Alessandro Needs A Server

    Apartments in freeso, will they ever be possible? My Concept

    Hey all! I have this idea i'm thinkin' bout.. what if freeso had apartments? It would give space to a lot more space and so players and would make freeso even more unique! Here's my concept: Apartment block info: shows the number of Sims that live there and the apartament they have infos...
  17. Alessandro Needs A Server

    The Sims 4 to FreeSO conversion pack: a taste of what it is going to be

    ABANDONED Hello everybody! I'm writing this post today to announce a new pack of FreeSO recolors, maybe the bigger and most difficult i've done yet: yes, i'm gonna port some The Sims 4 objects to FreeSO as recolors to give a little modern touch to your game. I've already made a try object and...
  18. Alessandro Needs A Server

    FreeSO on iOS: My UI Concept

    UPS I DID IT AGAIN! Yes, i tried once more to make a UI concept, this time for the mobile version of our game since it's an actual thing now! (see Here) What's it about: tried to make a UI that fits in a small screen making sure every button is acutally touchable with no problems. My only test...
  19. Alessandro Needs A Server

    [UPDATED] Cursor Tile Improvment

    Wait, what? As the title says, this defaul replacement replaces the cursor tile for objects. Basically the ugly yellow square is replaced with a more Sims-like green cursor with directions! What are the benefits in downloading this mod? With the default cursor is impossible to tell some...
  20. Alessandro Needs A Server

    [WORKING - ABANDONED] Recolor Collection: SIMSUNG Kitchen Stuff Pack

    A new era in your kitchen is about to begin. Tired of your old and odd looking appliances in your kitchen? Give them a touch of elegance. New textures. Every object of this collection uses 100% new textures made by me. Style Continuity The new appliances style matches every other one in the...