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  1. pisarz1958

    I don't understand the no multi-sim rule

    its so hard to break with old habits just like with cutting yourself you know. ppl dont want change :/ can u make it this way so i couldnt get any fun out of the game rhys? plz plz plz
  2. pisarz1958

    Romance lots should unlock more new woohoo spots

    what the actual fuck?
  3. pisarz1958

    Ownable Vehicles and Parking Areas.

    Windows contribute to lot design, let the light in etc. while cars would basically be an expensive, non-functional decoration that simply takes a lot of space. I'm pretty sure you could use that space in a more creative way. As people already said in this thread, I'd want it if it wasn't...
  4. pisarz1958

    Ownable Vehicles and Parking Areas.

    Cars seem more like a gimmick when you can literally teleport from one place to another.
  5. pisarz1958

    How to Register?

    Do you people even check out the forums/blog? Launch has been delayed. Closing this topic to avoid any more confusion.
  6. pisarz1958

    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    To jest tylko serwer API, więc sytuacja nie jest wcale taka dramatyczna. Jeśli się nie mylę, odpowiada on głównie za przetwarzanie zapytań dotyczących rejestracji, logowania, danych o awatarach, statusach miast itd. To jest kluczowy element, ale na szczęście w porównaniu z pozostałymi elementami...
  7. pisarz1958

    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    Pojawił się post na blogu: Wygląda na to, że na otwartą betę musimy jeszcze trochę poczekać.
  8. pisarz1958

    FreeSO : The Current Situation Enjoy.
  9. pisarz1958

    FreeSO : The Current Situation

    You do realize that beta means we're just testing it before the ACTUAL LAUNCH, right?
  10. pisarz1958

    FreeSO : The Current Situation

    It's a beta.
  11. pisarz1958

    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    Wygląda na to, że będziemy musieli odłożyć uruchomienie gry na jakiś czas. Post wyjaśniający, co poszło nie tak, powinien pojawić się niedługo na blogu.
  12. pisarz1958

    FreeSO : The Current Situation

    We have issues that require reworking some parts of our server code as in this state, it simply can't handle the load. This can't be fixed quickly, so we have to put this off for a while. Sorry. A blog post explaining what went wrong should be up shortly.
  13. pisarz1958

    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    Nie chcę być pesymistą, ale na Waszym miejscu rozważałbym teraz pójście spać. Wygląda na to, że serwery nie zostały przygotowane do takiego ruchu. Mam na myśli kilkaset użytkowników próbujących się zarejestrować w tym samym czasie.
  14. pisarz1958

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    Our server is not keeping up with the traffic. We're trying to get the situation under control.
  15. pisarz1958

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    Nope, servers are down. It's just your username, you can have 3 Sims on your account.
  16. pisarz1958

    Error after launching the game :C

    I'm sorry, this GPU doesn't support OpenGL 3.0. You might want to try running the game in DirectX mode, but you're probably out of luck. Your hardware is ~9 years old so you might want to consider upgrading it.
  17. pisarz1958

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    When it was up for a few minutes I guess.
  18. pisarz1958

    Polish Neighorhood (Community)

    Możecie próbować się zarejestrować.
  19. pisarz1958

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    The game will download the update after logging in to the server.
  20. pisarz1958

    Error after launching the game :C

    What is your GPU?